Friday, September 21, 2007

News Jog 9/21/07

Daily readers of the Jog may have noticed that we've been trying to nudge your interest toward Pakistan over the last couple weeks. It has quickly become the most unstable important country in the world. In its big cities it practices a Turkish-style sectarian form of government- but its central government has never had anything more than a standing truce with the tribal culture that occupies a large swath of its outlying areas. In brief- the city folk are enlightened but because they know they need a strong, capable central army to protect their way of life, and because a large element of that army also believes in secular government, most in the cities have tolerated President/General Musharraf's strongman style since overthrowing a democratically elected government mired in corruption scandals back in 1999. Now in the last few months due to significant tactical gains by al-Qaeda on the one hand and a series of high-level blunders in the civil side of things Musharraf has lost a great deal of his sectarian support. Since picking a fight with the Chief Justice of his Supreme Court and losing in a publicly humiliating way he's begun looking around to make a deal and form a coalition government. As it stands, he may or may not be successful. If he is completely pushed out or assassinated it is hard to predict what will come next. Will the democracy-minded who are so appalled by Musharaff's efforts to consolidate power have the ability to defend and hold the central government of a Muslim country that already has nuclear weapons? It is in this context that we lead with this story:
Bin Laden Declares War on Musharraf

Speaking of the War on Terror:
US Senate Rejects Measure to Cut Funds for Iraq War

Why do we even let him in the country?
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Banned From Ground Zero
He's so pushy:
Iranian President Still Wants to Visit WTC Site
And just for good measure:
No More Celebs at Ground Zero

We at the Jog are still withholding judgment until we get real facts surrounding the Blackwater case. But most in the media have already made up their minds:
Private Security Contractors Create Very Public Problems
Survivor Recalls Blackwater Shootings

Most laughable headline of the day:
Rice Says Mideast Conference in U.S. Will Be Success

The folks who were kept from guarding our ports just bought a big chunk of Wall Street:
Bush Orders Security Review Into Dubai/Nasdaq Deal

It looks like they're pretty confident they didn't kill their daughter:
McCanns ready to take lie detector test

Show Business! Tasered US Student Becomes Web Hit

It seems silly but people still like to fight about race. The Jog doesn't get it. When we see Jackson and Sharpton heading up marches as if it's still 1964 we want to laugh. When we see some of the morons they're marching against we get disheartened. So we tune out. We've seen this movie before- it goes nowhere and you walk out just as frustrated as you were when you walked in. Just because everyone else cares about race doesn't mean we have to. If people don't know how to be decent to one another- then we don't know what to say.

The Jog can't prove a negative anymore than the next blog- but we suspect that if Norman Hsu had been a top Republican fundraiser his behavior might be reported to imply more about the character of the candidates who benefited from his schemes than is currently of any interest to the mainstream media.
Fundraiser Hsu Charged With Pyramid Scheme

Ahh Unions- so relevant in the 1930's:
Autoworkers Maintain They're Willing to Strike

The latest on Hertz's ex-spokesman:
O.J. Simpson Returns to Fla. Media Storm
Simpson's If I Did It Gets Second Printing

Aw geez- do we really need this?
MTV to Launch Activists Social Networking Site
It's time to remember News Jog Maxim #26: The country would be better off if young people cared less, did less, and voted less. They're young for Christ's sake! What the hell do they know?

Our favorite lawsuit of the day is:
Nebraska State Senator Sues God
Our favorite holier-than-thou arrogant response is:
Mocking God Just Not a Good Idea

Kevin Everett Update:
Doctor Says He'll Try to Stand On His Own Soon

Is Eric Mangini a rat? Belicheat Apologists Have Signals Crossed

How dainty: 'Jurassic Park' Dino Had Feathers

End of the world as we know it? Arctic Ice Ebbs to Record Level

Hobbits Are Real?

Tokyo Game Show '07!

The new iPod Nano is really cheap- for Apple, not you.

Ever wish your Blackberry had Wi-Fi? Today's your lucky day!
AT&T Announces Availability of Wi-Fi Blackberry

Just because you demanded it: The Latest in Patent Law

The verdict is in and no one liked 'Kid Nation'.
Kid Nation Manipulative and Boring

Aren't they already free?
ABC and AOL Team Up for Free Prime-Time Shows

Britney stuff:
Ordered to Take Drug Test, Britney Parties On
Unbelievable! The 'Leave Britney Alone' YouTube Guy Inks TV Deal

England's version of Britney:
Winehouse Flop Show at Music Awards
Amy Wino's Civil War at MOBOs
Johnny Rotten: Winehouse Reminds Me of Vicious

Houston Pulls Nude Silverstone Ad

The pendulum may be swinging back:
Jury in Spector Trial Resume Deliberations After Key Ruling

Rod Stewart's son is going to trial.

And Finally:
Snoop Dogg has managed to keep himself out of jail again.

There's plenty more News,
but there's no more News Jog.
We're done.