Friday, October 12, 2007

News Jog 10/12/07

The Jog is trying to get worked up into an indignant frenzy about the news that Al Gore has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He's a foolish man promoting a crackpot theory not backed up by much real world evidence if you ask us. There's also the annoying fact that the Nobel committee seems enamored with American Democrats who have lost their most recent bids for the White House to Republicans who presumably hate the concept of peace- first former President Jimmy Carter and now former Vice-President Al Gore. Ronald Reagan's name was never even tossed into the hopper of potential nominees for the Peace Prize- and why should it have been? After all, his policies only facilitated the end of the cold war and the fall of the Berlin wall. But hey, how can the Jog really get worked up over an award that has become every bit as silly and meaningless as the Oscars or Grammys?
Former US Vice President Gore, UN Panel, Win Nobel Peace Prize
Will Nobel Mean Gore Will Run for President?

The Jog is on the road today- so here's a truncated rundown on other headlines of interest:

No Sex in 40 Million Years?

Marines Want to Cut and Afghanistan?

First WTC Bombing Mastermind Has Converted to...Christianity?

Those Wacky Christian Clowns and Their Child Pornography

Congressional Aides Warned to Avoid NASCAR 'Redneck Rash'

This War Brought To You by, The US Army Inc.

Jimmy Carter: 'My Hostages'

Carter Calls Cheney a 'Disaster'

Muslims Demand Peace With Christians...or Else

This Halloween, It's No Treats For Tricky Maryland Molesters.

Congress to Raise Taxes

Ann Coulter on CNBC Show: Jews Need 'Perfecting'

Even Tucker Carlson Mocks Coulter

And finally-
Our latest podcast is waiting patiently for you to click and enjoy:
NewsJog Weekly Podcast #4 (Recorded 10/11/07)

There's plenty more News,
but there's no more News Jog.
We're done.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

News Jog 10/11/07

The Jog has a hard time taking this first story (linked below) at face value. It seems incongruous at so many levels. Are there really racists who hang nooses from black professor's doors in the Ivy League? We can't help but have our doubts about all of this- it seems too weird. And what are the students gathering and protesting against... the college... America? Has anyone of authority actually sanctioned the hanging of nooses on college campuses? Excuse our bias but if this had happened in Mississippi it would seem more authentic. Let's get something straight, racism has an inverse relationship to intelligence. The more racist you are- the less intelligent you are. It's really that simple. This country should be past this by now. If you're reading this and you have racist thoughts rolling around your head- take a look in the mirror and get a good idea of what a moron looks like. You'll also be looking at one of the only things that's wrong with this great country. You didn't choose your race. God doesn't favor your race. It's time for everyone to just shut up about race.
Noose at Columbia U. Shocks Campus

The latest from the most idiotic region of the world:
Turk PM Confirms Plan to Allow Iraq Incursion
Turkey Blasts Armenian Genocide Bill
Attack on U.S. Military Base Kills Two Coalition Soldiers
Outraged Iraqis Condemn Killings by Foreign Guards
Iraqis Were Warned, says Aussie-Run Security Firm
Pakistan Rebels Display Hostages
Tribesmen Urge Pakistan to Halt Air Raids After Heavy Toll
Bhutto Rejects Musharraf Request to Delay Return

It seems the Dems will do anything they can to assist the enemy:
Bush Warns Congress Not to Weaken Eavesdrop Powers

They're Talking!
Burma Military Opens Communication With Opposition Leader

They're not talking!
Aung San Suu Kyi Rejects Talks With Burma Junta

Oh those wacky San Francisco judges:
Judge Blocks Immigrant Crackdown

Our favorite story of the day is:
Staten Island Councilman's Expletive-Laced Rant A Hit On YouTube

Is any of this really necessary?
Witness Relives Diana's Fatal Crash by Videolink

That couple that went to Portugal with a daughter and left without one is still in the news:
Madeleine McCann Police Return to Kidnap Theory

Ah unions- so relevant back when silent films were considered the cutting edge:
Chrysler Strike Ends in Six Hours

How do people like this ever get elected?
Atlantic City Mayor Resigns After Disappearance

Another day, another school shooting:
5 Hurt, Gunman Killed in Ohio School

Bogus scare headline of the day:
Study: Kids Get Inadequate Health Care

Stand tall Pot Pie man- stand tall!
ConAgra Refuses to Recall Pot Pies

Yes it's true- Britney is still in the news:
Spears Going to Court For More Time With Sons
Britney Spears Will Face Hit-and-Run Charges
Early Release for Britney Spears' New Album Blackout

At least now he has a reason to sweat profusely:
Bobby Brown Hospitalized in Heart Attack Scare

One in the hospital, one out:
David Hasselhoff Released From Hospital

Sexy girl goes to prison- real life begins to mirror porn:
Lost Star Jailed For Six Months

What will we do without all those entertaining new ABC sitcoms?
Hollywood Writers in Contract Showdown

What will we do without all those entertaining gay dancers?
Stalled Contracts for Broadway Theaters May Spark Strike

The latest on Jammie Thomas, Music Enemy #1:
RIAA Hits a Sour Note With Its File-Sharing Witch Hunt

It's cheap, but is it any good?
Reaction Floods in to New Radiohead Disc
Radiohead Stirs Gloomy Revolt With Pay-Whatever Internet Album

Madonna Close to Leaving Warner Music

Nobel for 'Ozone Scientist'

More reasons to mothball the space shuttle:
Shuttle May Face Launch Delay

Muslims in Space!
Russian Rocket Launches First Malaysian Into Space
Malaysia Sets Flexible Religious Rules for Muslims in Space

Powerful New Telescope Sweeping Heavens For Signs of Life

Mmmm, so sexy:
Earth Getting Wetter and Stickier

Is Firefox coming to your cell phone?
Mozilla Working on New Mobile Browser

Sonic, Online Play Confirmed For Super Smash Bros Brawl

Just don't buy it if you don't want it:
Suit Accuses Apple, AT&T of Monopoly

Time to update, bitches!
IE, Outlook, Word Get Critical Bug Fixes

And finally-
We would have opted for Vanesa Hudgens based solely on the fact that we had more data to analyze. But this ain't a bad pick:
Theron Crowned Sexiest Woman by Esquire

There's plenty more News,
but there's no more News Jog.
We're done.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

News Jog 10/10/07

The Jog is on record believing that the key to beating back the Islamo-fascist movement is to target those who aid, abet, and harbor it. This is easier said than done because with the loss of any official state sponsorship after the removal of the Taliban from power in Afghanistan the leaders of al-Qaeda and their minions have taken sanctuary in isolated tribal areas along the Afghan-Pakistan border. The reasons for their welcome in these areas is possibly manifold. Some local leaders may genuinely believe in bin Laden and his cause. While others submit to a combination of monetary rewards and military intimidation. Al-Qaeda isn't so different from the mob in the sense that not helping them when asked could lead to a series of consequences a local tribal leader is wise to avoid. No matter the reason for the sanctuary the fact is that up to now it has been less dangerous to provide a safe haven for these global thugs than it is to turn them away. The only way to change the equation in our favor is to make the consequences of harboring them much higher than the consequences of rejecting them. The latest stories coming out of Pakistan are encouraging to the Jog in the sense that since winning an election a few days ago the president of Pakistan has authorized his military to fight and regain control of areas of the country that have been harboring the bad guys. Although it is the right thing to do it is not a joyful process. The enemy purposely hides within communities of innocents in order to reduce the likelihood of attack and to score a propaganda victory with pictures of dead and injured women and children if an attack should happen. It is horrific but you must fight the enemy wherever they are to have any chance of winning. The responsibility for the death of innocents lay with those who choose to use those innocents as human shields not those who have a responsibility to penetrate any shield raised by the enemies of enlightenment, reason, and true peace.
250 Dead in 4 Days of Pakistan Clashes

Did Bush leak the last bin Laden video to the press?
Bush Administration Denies Leaking al Qaeda Video

It looks like this guy got screwed:
Supreme Court Refuses to Hear CIA Kidnapping Allegation

Contractor Shooting in Baghdad Takes Two Lives
Iraq Wants Blackwater to Pay $136 mln Compensation

Who woke Laura up?
Laura Bush Speaks on Burma Sanctions

Can a state lottery fund universal health care?
Schwarzenegger Offers Health Care Bill for Uninsured

Can the government save us all from ourselves?
Clinton Urges 401(k)s, Matching Funds

Clinton Sole Top Democrat in Michigan Primary Race

The Republican candidates gathered yesterday in Dearborn, Michigan for a debate that centered on economic issues. None of the presidential aspirants fell on their face but the best line of the day goes to Mitt Romney-
Is this our sixth debate, I think -- something like that? And this is a lot like "Law & Order," it has a huge cast, the series seems to go on forever... and Fred Thompson... shows up at the end.
Thompson Debuts in Republican Economic Debate
Transcript: The GOP Debate

Wouldn't it be a good idea to 'target' all gang members?
Gang Crackdown Targets Illegal Immigrants

Better kiss and make up you jerk:
Bad Marriage Can Increase Risk of Heart Attack

Say it ain't so!
Pot Pies May be Contaminated
ConAgra: Properly Cooked Pot Pies Aren't Dangerous

Alkie update:
Study: Anti-Convulsant Drug May Help Reduce Alcohol Dependence

Testosterone merger:
Miller High Life and Coors Lite Merge

Estrogen merger:
NBC to Buy Female Focused Oxygen Media for $925 Million

Sprint kinda sucks:
Sprint Nextel's CEO Forsee Resigns

Ah Unions- so relevant back when Milton Berle was considered hilarious:
Chrysler Strike Deadline Imminent

GM Lets Police Kill Engines of Stolen Cars

The winner of today's Scary Scary Guy Award is:
Russian Serial Killer says Murder is Like Love

Speaking of stupid award ceremonies:
AMAs Announce Nominations and New Voting Policy

The Jog shudders at the thought of no one writing new scripts for 'Carpoolers':
Strike Rhetoric Heats Up as Hollywood Talks Resume

Alkie update II:
'24' Actor Kiefer Sutherland Gets 48 Days in Jail

Staff Suspended for Leaking George Clooney Medical Records

The Jog can't imagine attending one of these concerts- but hey, it takes different strokes to rule the world:
Review: Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony

The concept of marriage in Hollywood is just that- a concept:
Pam Anderson: Bored of the Rings?

C'mon, shouldn't there be a law against this:
Nick Nolte is a Father Again at 66

The latest on Jammie Thomas, Music Enemy #1:
For RIAA, a Black Eye Comes With the Job

Add Oasis to the List of Bands Considering Music Giveaway

Hannah Montana! Hannah Montana!
Ticketmaster to Tackle Online Scalping

Nobel Prize Discovery Led to iPods, Better Laptops

The Jog admits to dabbling with BitTorrent in the past. Not long ago we downloaded the Peter Fonda classic Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry just because we wanted to see the greatest ending in movie history one more time:
BitTorrent Moves From Piracy to Video Streaming

Google in the News:
Google Stock Tops 600 Dollars
Google Buys Mobile Software Maker Jaiku
Analyst: Now That Google Has Jaiku, is Yahoo After Twitter?
YouTube Videos Now a Lure For Some Google Online Ads
Why Google GPhone Won't Kill Apple iPhone

Lawsuit Claims iPhone Breaks California Laws
Review: Apple's iPod Touch Is a Beauty of a Player Short on Battery Life

Skype Co-Founder Says eBay Overpaid For Firm

The coolest things in the universe today are:
NASA Probe Discovers Lightning at Jupiter's Poles
Photo in the News: 2-Tone Saturn Moon Caught in Hi-Res

And finally-
It's the Jog's sad duty to report that there are no heroes left in America:
David Hasselhoff Relapses, Hospitalized

There is plenty more News,
but there's no more News Jog.
We're done.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

News Jog 10/9/07

The Jog finds it interesting that Pervez Musharraf could so easily win an election that slogged its way through the Pakistan court system with controversy and scandal every step of the way. The electorate in Islamabad and the other large cities have made it clear that Musharraf's style, while not loved, is deemed by a majority to be the only shot the country has of keeping the zealots from imposing a Taliban-like government. We at Jog Central are hoping that this will embolden that country's military to take the gloves off and clear al-Qaeda out of the tribal areas, flushing them back into Afghanistan where the U.S. can finish the job. Preliminary reports just days after the election indicate that things may be heading in that direction. Jog fingers are crossed.
Pakistan Army: 150 Militants Dead

Bye Bye Brits!
All British Troops May Leave Iraq Next Year

Security Guards Kill Two Women in Baghdad

The Jog is cynical concerning any floating middle east peace notions, but if it's ever going to happen- Jerusalem can't be ignored.
Jerusalem May be Part of Peace Deal, Says Israel

The Dems are smiling wide knowing that Bush's responsible veto of their irresponsible 'Children's' health care legislation will almost certainly help them win over gullible voters in the next election.
Bush Veto Plan May Hurt GOP Lawmakers
Ads Target Republicans in Children's Health Insurance Veto Fight

Ah unions- so relevant in the days of Vaudeville:
Strike Threatened but UAW, Chrysler Make Progress on Talks

The Republicans have made the mistake of holding their 'Economy' debate today in Dearborn, Michigan where Teamsters still have power and a strike threat looms. Look for much pandering to an auto industry that stopped being competitive with the world decades ago. Why do these debates on the economy always have to take place in areas of the country where the economy is failing? Why not go to a region that is prospering due to sound management and policies and talk about how to spread the wealth?
Republicans Set for Debate on Economy
Thompson Prepping for First Debate Tussle With GOP Rivals
Yabba Dabba Doo - Fred Joins the Debate

U.S. Eyes Next Step After Costa Rica Backs Trade Pact

Wouldn't it be great if scientists were celebrities? A Jog can dream:
3 Win Nobel in Medicine for Gene Technology

Study- Donated Blood Quickly Loses Important Gas

Despite recent headline hyperbole it looks like taser guns are a good idea after all. So go ahead and tase me bro!
Serious Injury Rare With Police Tasers
Tasers Safe? New Study Sparks More Debate

What is the point?
Diana Inquest Jury Visits Paris Crash Site

Plane With Skydivers Crashes; 7 Dead

The latest on Music Enemy #1:
Downloading Mom Will Appeal
Will Appeal Succeed in RIAA's $222,000 'Making Available' Case?
RIAA Jurors Keeping Mum

It's fire prevention week, y'all- so get a plan, y'all:
Fire Prevention Week Focuses on Preparation

The Jog has finally come to the conclusion that everyone in the public eye is on steroids:
Disgraced US sprinter Jones Hands Over Olympic Medals
US Apology to Australia for Marion Jones Drug Scandal
Hall of Shame: Steroidal Sprinter Marion Jones Inducted
What Do Marion Jones and Senator Larry Craig Have in Common?

George Steinbrenner May Clean House, Hire Tony La Russa

Weekend Box Office:
'Game Plan' Holds Off 'Heartbreak Kid'
Stiller Finds Heartbreak at Box Office
Monday Morning Poll: What Happened to the Farrelly Brothers?

Pamela Anderson-Lee-Rock must be pregnant. It's the only reason we can think of here at Jog Central that can explain the fact that she just married that guy who was in the Paris Hilton sex tape:
Pamela Anderson Weds
Pamela Anderson's Fake Cake

Speaking of pregnancy:
Jennifer Lopez Dances Around Baby News During Concert

Speaking of pregnancy:
Diddy Mans Up, Admits Fathering 15-Month-Old

Shocker: Rapper Arrested!
Lil' Wayne's Boise Bust

Shocker: Lohan Pledges to Remain Sober!
Lindsay Lohan to 'Stay Focused' in Utah

The Jog has absolutely no idea who Hannah Montana is- but apparently she's quite popular:
Hannah Montana Ticket Bonanza Spurs Officials to Investigate Resellers

Is that a Nano blowing up in your pocket- or are you just happy to see me?
IPod Nano Fire Could Cause Apple Recall

The future of music sales?
TiVo Adding Music to Lineup

MS Bundles Two Free Games With Xbox 360 for Holiday Season

Churches complain too much:
Church Calls for Resistance to be Pulled From BAFTA Awards

What the hell is 'cloud computing'?
Google and IBM Partner to Push Cloud Computing

'Woo-hoo Woo-hoo-hoo, Woo-hoo Woo-hoo-hoo' Vonage is Dying:
Vonage Settles With Sprint, Still Faces Verizon Judgment

And finally-
If you've always dreamed of seeing Margaret Cho take it all off, today's your lucky day:
Margaret Cho's Strip Show is Barely Any Fun

There's plenty more News,
but there's no more news Jog.
We're done.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

NJW Podcast #3

NewsJog Weekly Podcast no.3
was recorded on 10/5/07 and is now available for your listening enjoyment.

The weekly podcast can be found on iTunes-
Just do a search for News Jog Weekly and subscribe.