Friday, September 14, 2007

News Jog 9/14/07

It is on days like this the Jog becomes convinced of its unique place in the American debate. What other source of news and analysis ends up siding with George W. Bush and Kathy Griffin in the same news cycle? We dare say we're more consistent than any other outlet on the planet. We believe in Freedom! Freedom in Iraq, Freedom in America, Freedom in our bedrooms, Freedom to worship, Freedom to be an atheist, Freedom to speak your mind at the Emmys, Freedom for the Emmys to censor their own show- Freedom, Freedom, Freedom! But unlike most libertarian-minded institutions we believe in the need to fight and preserve that Freedom. We don't take it for granted and we always keep in mind that most of the people who have populated history haven't had it. That makes it precious and rare- and it should be guarded as such.

Now that we're clamoring down off our high horse- on with the News:

President Bush had the audacity to suggest that America can still win in Iraq during a prime time speech to the nation last night. The Jog suspects the President has lost the kind of credibility with the public on this issue that could ever move many back to his side of the debate. His narrow objective is to hold wavering Republican Senators long enough to allow Patraeus the time they both feel is needed to consolidate and replicate some of the successes their seeing on the ground as a result of the 'surge' implemented earlier this year. We here at Jog Central are convinced that Bush and Patraeus had a pretty good week and will succeed in that narrow objective. We do worry that the modest troop withdrawal recommended by the General and accepted by the President is more a bone tossed at the discontented than a pure military imperative- and we don't think it will actually mollify the anti-war crowd a bit- but it's refreshing to see him continue to keep his word with Iraq. Whether we should be there or not we've given them our word that we'll be there until they get on their feet- and a country's word should be every bit the bond that an honest person's word is... unbreakable. We know we are in the minority on that and we don't mind one bit. We know we're right. We have to be- we're the Jog for heaven's sake.
Video: Bush Speech (Full)
Text: Democrat Response

Much of the coverage of the murder, by Al-Qaeda, of a prominent Sunni Sheik who helped the U.S. military stabilize Al-Anbar Province, is slanted to suggest that Bush was serving up yet another Neo-Con pipe dream with his speech last night. The thinking is that if we can't even keep a Sheik who shook the President's hand only days ago alive- things must be spiraling back out of control. The Jog view is that prominent Sunni leaders are now dying for the same cause our troops are dying for. Sheik Abdul-Sattar Abu Risha originally turned against Al-Qaeda after his children were killed by them. I don't think this latest outrage is going to convince his clan to back off any. We expect they'll fight even harder now against the same people we're fighting against.

Meanwhile the Patraeus/Betray-Us ad flap continues with word that the New York Times gave the liberal activist organization a deep discount ($100,000) on their going rate for a typical full page ad- as well as prime placement in the paper along with the ability to be published on the same day the 4-star General was appearing before the House of Representatives. The Jog doesn't know if this is truth or rumor at this point- but we wouldn't be surprised to find out it's truth. Would you? Rudy Giuliani believes it true and he's demanding the same discount rate from the Times for a rebuttal ad he would like to run in the paper.

Meanwhile, Presidential candidate John Edwards makes the rather incredible claim that he's never seen the controversial Patraeus/Betray-Us ad. Can this man tell the truth about anything?

Breaking News as we go to press:
O.J. Simpson Questioned About Casino Break-In!

Some crime in Baghdad is just like the crime here:
Gunmen Seize Armored Truck Carrying Cash in Baghdad

Just when we thought we could play nice with N. Korea:
Is N. Korea Helping Syria Acquire Nukes?

Does anyone believe the U.N. can enforce anything it passes anyway?
UN Adopts Declaration on Rights for Indigenous Peoples Worldwide

For those who want to take a crack at following the intrigues of Putin's latest moves in Russia- be our guest: Room to Maneuver

Oil closed above $80 per barrel for the first time in history. So it must be more expensive than ever- right? Not really. When adjusted for inflation it isn't even close.

Aren't you glad you don't live in Indonesia?
Sumatra Rocked by Three More Quakes

Democrats running for the presidency participated in a bizarre online 'mash up' debate yesterday. A 'mash-up' means that younger viewers can pick and choose the parts of the answers they want to listen to and fast-forward through the stuff they consider boring. So if you're keeping a tally- and why wouldn't you be? This means the Dems have debated on CNN, MSNBC, YouTube, The Logo Network, Univision, and now an online forum that caters to kids suffering from attention deficit disorder- but they still refuse to debate on Fox News. Interesting...

The wildly popular ex-Governor of Virginia has announced his intention to run for the senate seat being vacated by Republican John Warner.

McCann Update: Police to Raid Madeleine McCann's Parents House

McCann Timeline: The McCann Case: A Primer

Kathy Griffin kicked up a firestorm and pissed off many with her rowdy contention that Jesus had absolutely nothing to do with her winning an Emmy during her acceptance speech last weekend. Here's the video for those of you who haven't had a chance to be offended yet. Let the Jog get something straight for all of our pious friends- of which we have many. You have no right to insist that anyone in this country tow your religious line. It is simply strange that people who believe the universe is run by invisible wizards feel they have a claim on the minds of others. It's fine if the producers of the Emmys on TV want to remove her comments from the broadcast in deference to the sensibilities of their audience- but she's a comedian (or is it comedienne?) and she wasn't engaging in Hate speech for Christ's sake! Oops, sorry. Enough already! Can the country just take a little break from constantly being outraged by this thing or that thing that was said by this person or that person? It's getting old! Jeez Louise! Oops, sorry.

Ah unions... they were so relevant in the 1800's:
UAW Sets GM as Possible Strike Target

They're finding lots of other people who crashed in the Nevada desert but they still haven't found that millionaire adventurer balloon guy.

Sometimes when you use a painkiller improperly it will kill you.

The latest in PatriotsGate:
NFL Fines Belichick and Patriots
Belicheat Got Off Too Easy
Dislike for Belichick Played Role
Coach Betrays Father’s Legacy
Super Genius Flunks

There's cheating in motor sports too:
McLaren Fined $100 Million in Formula One Spying Scandal!
Timeline- The McLaren Spying Controversy

Google will pay you to go to the moon.

Three magic words: Fish Sperm Transplant!

Are you looking for a review of the iPod Touch. Sure you are:
iPod Touch Is Best Media Player Ever

Study: More Plan to Buy Wii Than Xbox 360, PS3

Kanye/Fiddy Update: 50 Cent Changes His Tune, Won't Retire

Kid Rock/Tommy Lee Update:
Tommy Lee Apologizes for MTV Brawl
Kid Rock Responds
Tommy Lee Not Quitting Motley Crue After All?
Tommy Lee = Lame

Prince is suing YouTube and eBay.

So she just lied in court? Manager Says Foxy Brown Not Pregnant

The latest in BritneyGate:
Is Britney Spears' Career Really Over?
‘Idol’ Judges Have Career Advice for Britney
Britney Went Ballistic Over Hairdo
Sure She Sucked... but is Britney Really Fat?

The Goldman's appeared on Oprah yesterday to chat about the Blood Money they'll be receiving from the O.J. book.

And finally-
Mary Winkler explaining to Oprah how she accidentally killed her abusive preacher-husband:

There's plenty more News,
but there's no more News Jog.
We're done.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

News Jog 9/13/07

The Jog is beginning to wonder which is more depressing- the war at home or the war in Iraq? The president has decided for some reason to step on the good work done by General Patraeus this week and give a prime time speech tonight outlining his next steps in Baghdad. Meanwhile the Democrats have determined the war has already been lost and there is no such thing as a winning strategy at this point. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid now refers to this as Bush's war or the Republican's war- as if it's more important to assess blame than prosecute a good outcome. Listen closely and you'll hear the intelligentsia saying that it is impossible to win this thing. Once that position has been taken it is not possible to refute. Anyone who says they have a plan for victory is dismissed as being a boob for even considering the concept of victory to begin with. The mainstream press is heavily invested in failure and highlights every negative with glee while hardcore Leftists are becoming convinced that the Democrats are mere dupes for the administration because they haven't brought the war to a complete end yet. So the circular debate continues with both sides more invested in proving they're right than actually securing the future of the country. The Jog is no glassy-eyed optimist seeing nothing but good in the Iraq situation. The whole thing was allowed to creep into anarchy under Rumsfeld's watch but it would be nice if the concept of victory could make a bit of a comeback on the national stage. John McCain is talking about it but no one likes him anymore. The Jog accepts the trials and tribulations of the current situation in Iraq but it also understands that there is no such thing as withdrawal or redeployment or any of the other terms of art being bandied about. There is only Victory or Defeat. To leave Iraq is to be defeated plain and simple. We look forward to an honest debate where Barack and Hillary explain to the American people why being defeated in Iraq is a good thing for the future of this country. Maybe it is. Maybe there's a good case to be made that defeat is a good thing. But let's not waste our time with talk of redeployment. Tell us why defeat is a good thing. Tell us why defeat will make us stronger. Stop telling us what the polls tell you we want to hear.

Related Video:
Hillary Disses Patraeus
Dennis Kucinich in Syria
Patraeus on Iran in Iraq
Patraeus Responds to Move On Ad

Here's a tragic story that is bound to become fodder for a new conspiracy theory:
Two War Critic Soldiers Killed in Iraq

Vladimir Putin becomes more dangerous by the day. Now he's fired his cabinet in a move that will likely solidify his power in Russia for years to come- and he just detonated the largest non-nuclear bomb in the history of the world. Better keep an eye on this dude.

Yesterday the Japanese Prime Minister resigned- today he's in the hospital with Lindsay Lohan like symptoms. He's exhausted.

The Rosie story just keeps getting stranger and stranger:
O'Donnell Broke Her Own Bones!

Deadly Toy Update:
Mattel CEO Pledges to Improve Toy Safety
China Says Toys in Latest Recall Safe

Scotland Yard is now saying that Portugeese authorities turned them away when they offered to help in the case of that couple who either killed or misplaced their child while in Portugal.

Another reason to be happy you don't live in Indonesia:
Indonesia Rattled by Earthquakes

Vermont took automobiles to court and Vermont won.

Eateries took calories to court and eateries won.

Understatement of the day: Experts Doubt Steve Fossett Still Alive

But wait! Maybe the geeks have found him.

If Buffalo Bills tight-end Kevin Everett ever walks again he can thank an experimental cooling procedure that was administered to him while en route from the playing field to the hospital.

The Genius/Dick Patriots coach Bill Belichick sort of apologized for cheating while beating the hell out of the New York Jets- but says he won't comment further until the League decides his fate. What should that fate be? The Jog believes he should be suspended for multiple games if only to send a strong message to the rest of the league. It's true that stealing signs has been a part of the history of the game- but technology makes an escalating type of spying possible now. As cameras get smaller and internet communications more prevalent only severe penalties for those caught will keep the game fundamentally honest. Ex-Broncos/Giants/Falcons coach Dan Reeves is old-school and says this form of cheating can't be tolerated.

Huricane Humberto smacks up Texas.

West Nile Update

Foot and Mouth Update

Wanna read an interview with a dead parrot?
An Interview with Alex, the African Grey Parrot

What in the hell killed off the Neanderthals? The Jog, like scientists, doesn't really know. We're just glad they're not around anymore. It's too crowded as it is.

Wikipedia just published its 2-millionth article. According to Jog math that would correlate to mean they've just published what must be at least their 50-millionth lie. But hey, we dig the wiki. The 2-millionth article is about a Spanish TV show and if you click right here you'll see it.

The Canadians aren't very keen on Google's street maps:
Google shouldn't goggle

Do you suffer from touchpad fatigue? Well Microsoft's new mouse is coming to the rescue.

Looking for a review of the new Nano? Sure you are:
Apple's Terrific Video iPod Nano

The coolest thing in the universe today is:
Planet Survives Star's Expansion

The folks who brought you 'Thirtysomething' on TV are now bringing a show called 'Quarterlife' to MySpace. If it's half as navel-gazing and boring as 'Thirtysomething' it won't get an audience no matter the medium it appears on.

One of the contestants on the reality show Top Chef was recently the victim of an anti-gay attack. So was her sister and she's not even gay.

Did you know Jodie Foster was an atheist? We didn't:
Deep in Thought with Jodie Foster

People are still still chatting it up about that girl from High School Musical and the nude picture that's been floating around the net.

That author who pissed off Oprah when she found out his memoir 'A Million Little Pieces' was full of a million big lies has just nabbed a publisher for his new book. He's at least admitting this one is a work of fiction. No word on whether Oprah plans to read it.

The latest from BritneyLand:
Britney Fiasco Good News for MTV Ratings
Britney Cried Over VMAs Performance
Spears’s Awards Fiasco Stirs Speculation About Her Future
Britney Spears: Top 5 Vegas 'Britastrophes'

If you bought tickets to the upcoming White Stripes U.S. tour it's time to look into a refund. Due to Meg White's 'acute anxiety', whatever that means, the tour has been cancelled.

Kanye-Fiddy Update: Kanye Thrashes 50 Cent in First-Day Sales Race

The Phil Spector jury deliberated for a third day with no verdict. Before being sent home they were admonished by the judge not to watch a segment on Dateline NBC that was slated to feature a story on the case later that night. Of special interest is the fact that one of the jurors is a producer for Dateline NBC. The Jog smells grounds for appeal.

Pull out the black t-shirts! Led Zeppelin will reunite for one show only.

And finally:
Did you know a Led Zeppelin roller coaster is being constructed in South Carolina? We didn't.

There's plenty more News,
but there's no more News Jog.
We're done.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

News Jog 9/12/07

WARNING! The Jog is in a bit of a mood today...

What is it with Al-Qaeda and tapes all of a sudden? We don't hear from these idealistic idiots for a good long time and suddenly they're dropping more new material than Prince on a bender. After the Osama dye job video last week and the audio/video released yesterday- As-Sahab, Al-Qaeda's media arm, has announced that another video further celebrating the events of 9/11/01 will make its way to a news channel near you within the next 72 hours. The Jog has a question- When is our government going to do what's necessary to capture bin Laden and his nest of madmen? By that we mean when will we resort to all means necessary? Some villagers and tribal chieftains along the Afghan/Pakistan border are knowingly harboring these crazed zealots. If he's a needle in a haystack- let's blow up the haystack. If bin Laden is able to stay one step ahead of intelligence we surely must have intelligence about where he once was. If the Jog were President we'd bomb the hell out of every village he stayed at in the past until he became unwelcome in the next village he tried to stay in. Local tribal leaders should pay a price higher for taking him in than they would for turning him away. The 'surge' in Iraq is proving that Al-Qaeda can be beaten and forced on the run when confronted. The Jog is fed up with talk of endless wars and inter-generational fights. We believe this can be won in the here and now if we would set out to do it. The Jog has another question- why the hell is Al-Qaeda allowed to have a media arm? If we can't find and kill Osama surely we can wipe out members of his media outlet in the mean time. Harry Truman wouldn't have sat around trying to coexist with this bunch of planetary outlaws. He would of bombed the hell out of anyone who helped them until he got to them. And he was a Democrat!

Meanwhile General Patraeus endured Senate hearings yesterday where he was forced to listen to no less than five different senators currently running for president grandstand for votes as he tried to give them his best advice on the way forward in Iraq. Today's news cycle features numerous articles calling the General's testimony into question because he couldn't, or refused to, answer political questions about the endgame in Iraq. Perhaps the Jog needs to point out that it isn't Patraeus' job to worry about policy. His job is to carry out policy and do everything he can to fashion success out of the mission statements he's given. The mere idea of Barack Obama lecturing a 4-star general on matters of war is- well, the American way. And exactly why the Jog loves this country so much... but it was frustrating to watch.

Caving to political pressure President Bush will give a speech Thursday night wherein he will announce his intention to pull 30,000 troops out of Iraq by next summer.

Pakistan won't be able to help much in the War on Terror for awhile. Their military leader Pervez Musharaff is now hated by just about everybody in his country.

Saying his current political predicament was hindering the War on Terror the Japanese Prime Minister resigned yesterday.

Saying the ex-actor turned President, Joseph Estrada, embezzled millions while in office, a Philippine court put him behind bars for life yesterday.

Christmas is saved! U.S., China Set New Rules on Toy Safety

OPEC continues to toy with its global customers as if we need them or something. Oh yeah, we forgot... we do. But is it asking too much for the customer to be treated with a modicum of respect? Oh yeah, we forgot... it is.

After way too much time and deliberation Hillary Clinton is finally cutting all ties with wacky fugitive fundraiser Norman Hsu.

Ooops! Mitt Romney is having to distance himself from an anti-Fred Thompson website created by a Romney supporter.

Here's the biggest load of B.S. to be found in today's news cycle:
Brains of Liberals, Conservatives May Function Differently

A scumbag bites the dust: Tennessee Executes Child Killer

Memories of Richard Jewell keep the Jog's judgment in check here- but things aren't looking good for that couple who probably drugged and accidentally killed their kid in Portugal.

Minor miracle?
Bills Tight-End Kevin Everett Will Walk Again Says Doctor

Senator 'I swear I've never had a naughty thought about another man' Craig will get his day in court: Hearing for Craig Is Set

Arnold wants to terminate the West Nile Virus.

Yet another reason to be glad you don't live in the Congo:
Deadly Ebola Resurfaces in Congo

A parrot that convinced scientists it was really smart is now dead and the scientists are sad.

If you have diabetes and you take the drug Avandia- you might not be taking it for long: Avandia Should Be Pulled, Say Authors of Studies

Apple Just Sold Its Millionth iPhone
Apple is Restricting iPhone Ringtone Rights
This Workaround Allows You to Ignore Ringtone Restrictions
iTunes on TV?

If you use Skype on your PC you just might have a worm in your system that is attacking your security software.

Is Microsoft a monopoly? The Jog says no- but the state of California says yes.

Red planet Rover, Red planet Rover- Come On Over!

Does anybody really care? Shock Win to Take 2-1 Lead in WNBA Finals

Try this on for size- the FCC and CBS are still in court arguing about the Janet Jackson Super Bowl half time incident that occurred about a hundred years ago. The Jog has a few questions- Were there any victims here? Was anyone damaged? What's the fuss? How much more time and energy need to be wasted on adjudicating 2.5 seconds of naughty TV?

Speaking of wardrobe malfunctions- It looks like the nude photo scandal surrounding that cutie from High School Musical will only serve to enhance her career. And why shouldn't it? By the way- it pains the Jog to point out that the nude photo of hers that you've been entertaining yourself with for the last week has been backdated and it turns out you've been entertaining yourself to the image of an underage girl. Put that in your pipe and grope it.

Nostalgic for the good old days? A History of Hollywood's Nude Scandals

Another cute actress is in trouble: Soap Star Busted for DUI

The Phil Spector jury is still deliberating.

Are you looking forward to the 'Sex and the City' movie? The Jog isn't- but hey, different strokes for different folks. Right?

Is Steve Martin just too old for the job now? Jon Stewart to Host Oscars

Comedian (or is it Comedienne?) Kathy Griffin is an atheist who took some jabs at Jesus while accepting her Emmy. Now her remarks will be censored before the show airs on television.

Rosie says Barbara Walters should retire.

The Jog is one of those douche bag Genesis fans from way back- but we're just not all that excited about their current tour.

Surprise, surprise: Rapper Arrested for Fighting in Strip Club!

50 Cent may never record another song- and you can blame it all on Kanye West. It's fun to blame things on Kanye West.

Kanye West is blaming MTV for Britney's horrid comeback attempt. He says they set her up to fail. Mark the date- the Jog agrees with Kanye.

Simon Cowell says Britney's career is over.

And finally:
The funniest thing you'll see today. Chris Crocker is a big Britney fan and he decided to defend her on YouTube. He says if you want to mess with her you'll have to deal with him.

Here's the Video. Enjoy...

There's plenty more News,
but there is no more News Jog.
We're done.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

News Jog 9/11/07

The Jog was surprised to find very little in the news cycle about the sixth year anniversary of the attacks of 9/11. The Jog has never been impressed with anniversary stories and, in general, doesn't feel that it's all that newsworthy that the earth has circumnavigated the sun six times since 19 hijackers changed the world. But it is surprising that it hasn't garnered much coverage from the wider press. The important question for the Jog on a day like this is whether the American people are still in the game. Are they still willing to fight off the forces that terrorized us so brutally six years ago today. The Jog likes to think it has an optimistic disposition but we believe America is losing its will to fight. Sure, if another big attack were to happen we would respond as we always do in the midst of such trying circumstances. But therein lies the danger. Are we going to allow ourselves to become a country that only reacts after an attack, or will we stay on a preemptive war footing in order to avert future attacks? If we stay aggressive we risk alienation on the world stage. If we retreat into a defensive posture our future may well be littered with smaller but more consistent attacks. There are no easy choices but the Jog prefers an America that accepts the consequences of staying on the offense. Better a bull in a china shop than a lamb led to slaughter.

It looks like bin Laden may have dropped another tape to commemorate the events of 9/11 from his twisted point of view. This video is really an audio tape playing beneath a video still of bin Laden with his new dye job taken from last week's video.

General David Patraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker appeared before congress yesterday to give their respective reports on the current state of affairs in Iraq. The two said many things but the press seized upon the General's statement that he might be recommending some troops withdraw soon. Things got lively even before the testimony began when the anti-war activist group published an ad in The New York Times referring to General Patraeus as General Betray-Us. This got the Republicans up on a high horse and had some of the Democrats scrambling to distance themselves from the ad- while vouching for the General's overall integrity. Patraeus gave an overview of the situation in Iraq as he saw it after first insisting that he alone authored the report with no interference from the White House. His conclusion was the same as that given by Amb. Crocker- Basically, things aren't going as well as we'd like, but they're going better than they were... and things could get a lot worse if we leave precipitously.

The Jog is quite sure General Patraeus was ready for some tough questions from skeptical members of congress. But was he really prepared to be taken to task by Count Dracula?
Dracula Confronts Gen. Patraeus!

Meanwhile- back at the War on Terror:
24 Years for Hayat in Terror Case

Pervez Musharaff is playing a dangerous game in Pakistan. On one hand- the democratic leader he just exiled for the second time is corrupt. On the other hand- the Chief Justice of Pakistan's Supreme Court did rule that Nawaz Sharif was to be allowed back in the country. On the third hand- the Chief Justice referred to is possibly nothing more than a corrupt crony for the exiled leader he's trying to let back into the country. Anyway you look at it- it's a mess. A very dangerous mess.

There are still mobsters in Chicago? Yes- and 5 scary muthas are going to jail. There is always entertaining testimony to be found in a mob trial- here are the highlights from this one.

Senator 'I've never even once had a gay thought- so shut up' Craig's lawyers filed a motion to rescind his guilty plea yesterday. The Jog isn't a lawyer and the Jog doesn't know whether this request stands a chance in hell of being successful- but the Jog does wonder if it helps the Senator's public image to be standing right next to the lawyer who most recently was standing right next to Michael Vick? Then again, is it even possible to hurt Craig's image at this point?

Republican Senator Chuck Hagel who once seemed as if he were poised to run for president- now says he won't even be running for the Senate.

Ronald Reagan's first wife, better known for her role on TV's Falcon Crest, is dead.

Surprise, surprise: Rosie blasts Donald Trump in her new book of memoirs. According to those who have seen galleys the Rosie tome is rambling and boring- and reveals an author who is deeply disturbed. This doesn't surprise the Jog or anyone else who has taken the time to read her blog.

Surprise, surprise: Trump blasts Rosie in new book of memoirs.

Sometimes trucks full of dynamite blow up!

According to his doctor Buffalo Bill's tight end Kevin Everett will most likely never walk again.

Keep taking that Vitamin D! They say it will add one or two years to your life. The question is- do you really want those two years? You get 'em at the end when life ain't what it used to be. Just a thought.

Do microchips cause cancer?

Apparently we're having more adverse reactions to the drugs we're taking than we used to.

Don't take that iPhone on out of the country! Hewlett Harbor Man Racks Up $4,800 iPhone Bill

In Other iNews:
iPhone Unlock Software Goes on Sale
Vodafone Takes On the iPhone
PC World: Random iPod thoughts

Skype is a neat internet phone service that is weathering some tough times. A few weeks ago they were forced to admit a two-day service outage was completely their fault and now there's a worm burrowing its way through their instant messenger.

Concerned parents and all of the groups, religious and otherwise, who represent concerned parent don't like violent, gory video games. But according to the latest data everyone else loves 'em.

Calling all Nerds! Nintendo Confirms Zelda Pack-In For Wii Zapper

Those Mars rovers that were expected to be dead by now have shaken off another months-long planetary dust storm and are ready to go back to work.

The Jog loves stories about rocket planes: ROCKETPLANE FACES FUNDING CRISIS!

First Britney- now the gray whale's comeback is being questioned.

Have you ever wondered who is more dominant in his own sport- Roger Federer or Tiger Woods? We haven't, but apparently some people do.

Things don't look good for Phil Spector. Not only is his fate in the hands of 12 jurors, his wife got into a spat with the judge in the courtroom. He has a wife? Where did she come from?

That pretty girl from High School Musical with the internet nudies flying around is getting support from fans and Disney- and the Jog after we saw the pic. But will it have any lasting negative effect on the HSM franchise?

Calling all Nerds II! Shia LaBeouf Leaks 'Indiana Jones' Fourth Title at VMAs

Sherri Shepherd made her debut on The View yesterday. Are you excited? We thought so.

The Letterman appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show didn't exactly wow 'em. Whoever 'em' is.

Larry Birkhead just threw a big, expensive birthday party for a girl who had no idea what was going on. Danielynn, cursed child of Anna Nicole Smith, recently turned one. The Jog doesn't have any particular problem with this girl but we just think it's stupid for anyone to spend more than $20 on a birthday party for a one year old. They barely know they're on the planet for Christ's sake- They're not going to appreciate the lawn ornamentation. It's just silly.

Sean Penn turns gay: Penn, Damon Got Milk

Surprise, surprise- Kanye West is angry: West Blasts Decision to Allow Britney to Open VMAs

Britney Bashing is Fun!
Will Britney's Bomb Kill Her Comeback?
Britney's Comeback is Just Toxic Say Critics
Oh, Britney. Honey. No.

If you're not quite tired of it yet. Here's another round up of backstage events at the VMA's: Foo Fighters Rock the Beer Bongs, Plus the Story Behind the Kid Rock/Tommy Lee Fight

And finally:
Kid Rock may be a dick but the Jog found him strangely appealing in this belligerent interview with Entertainment Weekly: Kid Rock: Anger Management

There's plenty more news,
but there is no more News Jog.
We're done.

Monday, September 10, 2007

News Jog 9/10/07

The Jog begins the week with analyses of two recent appearances on the world stage that met with resoundingly bad reviews. Both Osama bin Laden and Britney Spears left fans and critics alike stunned with their amateur attempts to reclaim fading past glory. Proving once again that we have our priorities straight here at Jog Central we'll start with the mentally challenged pop tart's startlingly flat comeback.

To watch Britney strutting her once-desired stuff across the stage of MTV's Video Music Awards last night was to witness the end of the end for the battered diva. If you missed it- here's the video. The Jog has never been a fan of the 'lip-sync your song while dancing with a thousand other people' style of performance so popular in today's music scene. But Britney used to be good at it. Last night she looked like a 12 year old girl practicing the moves of her favorite singers while lip-syncing songs in her bedroom. It was obvious her whole attention was devoted to simply getting through it without messing up. Even though she did mess up- if you consider forgetting to move your lips to a lip-sync, messing up. The shots of her fellow entertainers in the audience said it all. It was just sad. Britney has fallen so far she no longer has the ability to be the vapid pop star we once loved. Now she's a hollow, vapid pop star- and that's simply unappealing. At least there was some interesting action during the awards ceremony. Kid Rock punched Tommy Lee and Foo Fighter's Dave Grohl was attached to a beer bong all night.

Osama bin Laden's videotape message- played about as well as Britney's awkward dance moves on MTV. The once healthy and truly scary planetary villain came across as a guy who has the power to put out videotapes every few years- and that's about it. The 'weird beard' with an even weirder beard, thanks to a spiffy new dye job, seemed unfocused and rambling. He hit upon the usual things- American decadence, American imperialism... blah, blah, blah. But did anyone really expect him to weigh in on America's current sub-prime mortgage crisis- or float his conspiracy theories about Vietnam and JFK? He's clearly off message and somewhat delusional. Reaction to the latest tape has been the same from both government officials and reporters- it sucked. An Al-Qaeda spokesman speaking anonymously with Jog editors said- 'Hey, at least he did better than Britney.' A conclusion with which the Jog is sadly forced to agree.

Exactly where is bin Laden? Osama is in Chitral: US experts

Meanwhile- today's the day General David Patraeus will appear before congress to give his report on the state of the surge in Iraq. He's expected to say the military efforts are showing progress even if the political process they are intended to protect has ground down to a halt. Look for him to ask for a bit more time while floating the idea of withdrawing a few troops before Christmas. The Jog wonders if political considerations back home are beginning to work their way into battlefield plans in Iraq. This would be a grave mistake. The military should only concern themselves with winning, not appeasing politicians and the American public with happy talk.

Update 3:36p- Petraeus Says U.S. Troop Levels Can Be Cut

Good news for the Left! The Patriot Act may be in some serious trouble.

In Pakistan- Musharraf has Sharif deported. Now who's the Sheriff?

Did you know there are Nazis in Israel? Neither did we. Who'da thunk?

The Democrats held a Spanish language presidential debate in English even though one candidate, Bill Richardson, speaks fluent Spanish. The Jog finds it interesting that the Dem candidates have broken new ground this election cycle by debating on You Tube, the Logo Network, and now Univision- but they refuse to debate on Fox News. Interesting...

Senator 'stop saying I'm gay' Craig will attempt to legally withdraw his guilty plea to charges of lewd behavior in a Minneapolis airport today. Senator Arlen Specter is pissing off everybody by standing up for his Republican colleague. The Jog is intrigued with the notion that a 'family values' Republican senator may be the best thing to ever happen to gay men who like to solicit sex in bathrooms and parks throughout the nation. If Specter is right and a United States senator can beat these charges on the grounds of entrapment- it could spell the end of the use of these tactics by police in the future. Strange bedfellows indeed.

Be assured the Jog does everything it can to avoid the missing persons stories that get the 24 hour news networks so jazzed up on a daily basis- but this one has gotten too big to ignore: McCanns Fly Home to Fight Their Case

Rescue workers are finding lots of old wreckage in the desert but still no sign of that millionaire adventurer balloon guy.

Al Gore can relax: Gabrielle Packs Little Punch for N.C.

More evidence that Al Gore is wrong: Hurricane Scientists Flub Forecasts, Surprised by El Nino

A story about whale hunting in 2007? Yet another barbaric practice being defended as an important cultural aspect of some backward tribe in some backward region. The Jog has an idea for the Makah Tribal Council: change your idiotic culture!

West Nile Update: A Mosquito Bites in Brooklyn

The FDA decided a while back to put black box warnings on the side of all anti-depressant pill bottles to warn parents of a possible connection between the prescriptions and a tendency for suicidal thoughts in the minds of the teenagers using them. So parents got worried, doctors stopped prescribing the drugs- and now the teen suicide rate has exploded. Perhaps because of not being treated with the proper drugs. It occurs to the Jog that suicidal thoughts might already have been bouncing around the minds of the teens initially studied to come up with the suicide/drug connection in the first place. After all, they were studying kids who were already being treated for mental illness. Let's get something straight- Teens+Mental Illness=Suicidal Thoughts with or without drugs. The initial conclusions were obviously tainted and flawed. Way to go FDA!

Apparently doctors don't know much about the over the counter health supplements their patients are using. Is that important? We don't know. But we do know a waste of time and energy when we see it: Theater Classes Help Docs' Bedside Manners

Did you know Red Roof Inns was owned by the French? Well, it was- but now they've sold out.

Apple would like to offer 99-cent TV downloads.

Apple might like to own a chunk of the current TV bandwidth.

Are you looking for an MP3 player that dances around with flashing lights to the beat of your favorite songs? Today's your lucky day: Sony Shows New Rolling Music Player

The Jog has long thought HD or High Definition radio to be a joke. Here's a story that shows it to be a joke with one new, very cool feature.

The Jog is a big fan of the Buffalo Bills and the Jog has been laughed at often for it (what with the loss of four Super Bowls in a row)- but every real football fan is holding their breath and hoping for the best for Kevin Everett : Bills' Everett Undergoes Spinal Surgery. Click here for video of the life changing hit.

Surprise, surprise: Federer Wins US Open

Russel Crowe's western topped the weekend box office.

The jurors in the Phil Spector murder trial begin deliberations today. The Jog predicts he doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of being found not guilty.

'Dick in a Box' wins an Emmy! Huh?

And finally:
That sexy girl from High School Musical may have more self-made nude photos floating around.

There's plenty more News,
but there is no more News Jog.
We're done.