If the Jog had ever gotten away with a double-murder you can rest assured we would have gotten out of the crime business right then and there. It turns out the Jog is a bit more level headed than O.J. Simpson who can't seem to keep himself away from the seedy underside of life. The man once famous for football, Hertz commercials, and movies- now famous for nearly decapitating his wife and her friend, just can't seem to get enough of the spotlight. Las Vegas Metro Police arrested Simpson yesterday for allegedly breaking into a Vegas hotel room with a bunch of gun-wielding goons to 'steal back' memorabilia that Simpson claims belongs to him. Unbelievable- How hard is it to stay out of trouble O.J.? We let you get away with murder! How much more do you want from this society? Word is that 'the Juice' could get 35 years in the slammer if convicted of everything he's charged with- but the Jog has a feeling he'll slip through again. The Jog also predicts that many of the Simpson apologists from the past will resurface to support him again. Their logic will be that it was his merchandise and he had a right to get it back. Completely overlooking the fact that you're supposed to call the cops when something is stolen- not get a gun and demand it be returned. It's been another bad week for Buffalo Bills fans- but that's pretty much par for the course.
Video: Footage of O.J. Arrested at Hotel
Audio: O.J. Confrontation -- Caught on Tape!
It's been a good week for the Goldman family. All this new O.J. hype is making blood money rain from the sky as their book of his veiled murder confession made its way to #1.
Did you watch the Emmy's? We didn't either- but the Soprano's won big (what a surprise) and Sally Field made some kind of lame anti-war statement that Fox over reacted to and cut away from for no good reason. The Jog does feel bad about missing Joey Fatone's debut on the red carpet. He was always our favorite Backstreet Boy- or was he in InSync? We get so confused.
First he invented the internet- now they're inventing reasons to give him awards. Al Gore won an Emmy last night for creating a TV network no one's ever seen.
Bush has chosen a new Attorney General. The nominee is Michael Mukasey and early word is that he's a specialist in legal arguments surrounding terrorism and 'vanilla' enough to glide through confirmation. But you never know what the Senate might dig up on him. Stay tuned...
After being tooled by General Patraeus last week Senate Democrats don't stand a chance of passing any legislation that would set a date certain for troop withdrawal in Iraq. The best shot they have of crimping Bush's war style is passing legislation that would force the military to give soldiers more leave time before sending them back into the war zone. They may have the votes for that scheme but Secretary of Defense Robert Gates say he will recommend that the President veto any such legislation.
Meanwhile, former Fed Chief/Saint Alan Greenspan is stirring things up a bit by asserting that the Iraq invasion was about oil in his recently published memoirs. This story broke over the weekend in such a way that we could all be forgiven for believing that Greenspan would soon be having tea with Cindy Sheehan and demonstrating outside the President's compound in Crawford. But it turns out his comments were a bit more nuanced- in fact, in his book he describes himself recommending that Bush take action against Saddam in order to keep him from one day controlling the Straits of Hormuz. The Straits are a shipping lane for oil. So though he is saying it's about oil, he's not saying that we went to Iraq to get their oil. Make sense? No? Well, we tried.
Another important verdict is coming soon in the War on Terror:
Muslim Charity Trial Nearing End
Who woke France up? France Warning of War with Iran
Deja Vu all over again? Clinton to Offer Health Care Plan
The latest from Dems on the trail: Star Power at Annual Iowa Steak Fry
The latest from Repubs on the trail: Fred Thompson in Alabama
Senator 'don't call me gay' Craig has spawned a tourist attraction. It seems many travelers through the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport are stopping to snap photos of the infamous foot tapping stall. The Jog has a question- is it legal to take pictures in a working men's room? No agenda- just asking. We swear.
Plane crashes over the weekend:
Black Boxes Found in Thai Plane Crash
Third Fatal Crash at Nevada Air Races
Video: Crash at Nevada Air Race
Face it- that millionaire adventurer balloon guy is dead. So is Amelia Earhart- it happens that way sometimes.
The unions are still doing everything they can to bring down American car companies.
Firefighters are working hard in California.
Teen drivers are banned from using mobile phones in California.
British mogul Richard Branson isn't wavering in his support for the McCanns, the couple suspected of accidentally killing their daughter by Portuguese authorities. He has established a defense fund in their name. The Jog thinks this might come back to haunt him. These parents look fishy to us- but maybe we're simply being influenced by bad reporting on the case. It's always a possibility.
Tiger Woods made $11 million and won the Fed Ex Cup yesterday. How was your weekend?
The Patriots massacred the Chargers in Coach Belichick's first stint on the sidelines since becoming known as Coach Beli-Cheat. Here's the rest of NFL Sunday in a nutshell.
Rumor, but True- Dale Jr. Has a New Number, 88
What will they think of next? Gum That Doesn't Stick!
Looking for the latest in the Science of Smells?
The Sweet Smell of Testosterone
Look out iTunes!
Free Music Site SpiralFrog Makes Debut
In other iNews:
Apple Posts Details on $100 iPhone Credit
In an iPod world, the Future is Always Now
New iPod Ain't So Great
Apple Expected to Announce European iPhone Deal Tuesday
Apple's Retail Slip Up Costing the Company Market Share?
Ever try Yahoo 360? Most people didn't but those who did said it sucked- and it looks like Yahoo agrees because word has leaked that they'll be offering a new social networking service soon.
Verizon is suing the FCC because they don't like the terms associated with the upcoming bandwidth auction.
Google is calling for new worldwide web privacy rules.
Sayonara! Japan blasts off to the moon.
Blue whales are really big- and now there's a dead one washed up on a SoCal beach.
Jodie Foster's new movie was #1 at the box office over the weekend.
Looking for a bad review of the new movie 'Dragon Wars'?
Looking for a bad review of a new movie chock-full of great Beatles songs?
That cute girl from High School Musical who has garnered many new adult fans due to a nude photo floating around the internet has apparently been playful for the cameras a few times- which means, you guessed it- more photos have surfaced. Yippee!
The Austin City limits music festival started with quite a bang when propane tanks ignited on opening day.
It looks to the Jog as if we're in for one of the worst fall TV schedules ever. We only have the promos that play during sporting events as a guide but the new batch of shows look pretty dreadful to us. Here's a run-down on what's coming soon to a television near you:
A Prime-Time Primer to Fall’s New Shows
The new reality show 'Nashville' sucks!
Soap Opry Misses by Country Mile
The new reality show 'Nashville' is great!
"Nashville" A Classy Show with Real Talent
Okay, just because you've demanded it- here's the latest in Carol Channing news:
Channing's Signature Dress Recovered
And finally:
The latest dispatch from Britney's last days on Earth:
Spears 'Closer to Losing Custody Battle'
There's plenty more News,
but there's no more News Jog.
We're done.