Thursday, October 11, 2007

News Jog 10/11/07

The Jog has a hard time taking this first story (linked below) at face value. It seems incongruous at so many levels. Are there really racists who hang nooses from black professor's doors in the Ivy League? We can't help but have our doubts about all of this- it seems too weird. And what are the students gathering and protesting against... the college... America? Has anyone of authority actually sanctioned the hanging of nooses on college campuses? Excuse our bias but if this had happened in Mississippi it would seem more authentic. Let's get something straight, racism has an inverse relationship to intelligence. The more racist you are- the less intelligent you are. It's really that simple. This country should be past this by now. If you're reading this and you have racist thoughts rolling around your head- take a look in the mirror and get a good idea of what a moron looks like. You'll also be looking at one of the only things that's wrong with this great country. You didn't choose your race. God doesn't favor your race. It's time for everyone to just shut up about race.
Noose at Columbia U. Shocks Campus

The latest from the most idiotic region of the world:
Turk PM Confirms Plan to Allow Iraq Incursion
Turkey Blasts Armenian Genocide Bill
Attack on U.S. Military Base Kills Two Coalition Soldiers
Outraged Iraqis Condemn Killings by Foreign Guards
Iraqis Were Warned, says Aussie-Run Security Firm
Pakistan Rebels Display Hostages
Tribesmen Urge Pakistan to Halt Air Raids After Heavy Toll
Bhutto Rejects Musharraf Request to Delay Return

It seems the Dems will do anything they can to assist the enemy:
Bush Warns Congress Not to Weaken Eavesdrop Powers

They're Talking!
Burma Military Opens Communication With Opposition Leader

They're not talking!
Aung San Suu Kyi Rejects Talks With Burma Junta

Oh those wacky San Francisco judges:
Judge Blocks Immigrant Crackdown

Our favorite story of the day is:
Staten Island Councilman's Expletive-Laced Rant A Hit On YouTube

Is any of this really necessary?
Witness Relives Diana's Fatal Crash by Videolink

That couple that went to Portugal with a daughter and left without one is still in the news:
Madeleine McCann Police Return to Kidnap Theory

Ah unions- so relevant back when silent films were considered the cutting edge:
Chrysler Strike Ends in Six Hours

How do people like this ever get elected?
Atlantic City Mayor Resigns After Disappearance

Another day, another school shooting:
5 Hurt, Gunman Killed in Ohio School

Bogus scare headline of the day:
Study: Kids Get Inadequate Health Care

Stand tall Pot Pie man- stand tall!
ConAgra Refuses to Recall Pot Pies

Yes it's true- Britney is still in the news:
Spears Going to Court For More Time With Sons
Britney Spears Will Face Hit-and-Run Charges
Early Release for Britney Spears' New Album Blackout

At least now he has a reason to sweat profusely:
Bobby Brown Hospitalized in Heart Attack Scare

One in the hospital, one out:
David Hasselhoff Released From Hospital

Sexy girl goes to prison- real life begins to mirror porn:
Lost Star Jailed For Six Months

What will we do without all those entertaining new ABC sitcoms?
Hollywood Writers in Contract Showdown

What will we do without all those entertaining gay dancers?
Stalled Contracts for Broadway Theaters May Spark Strike

The latest on Jammie Thomas, Music Enemy #1:
RIAA Hits a Sour Note With Its File-Sharing Witch Hunt

It's cheap, but is it any good?
Reaction Floods in to New Radiohead Disc
Radiohead Stirs Gloomy Revolt With Pay-Whatever Internet Album

Madonna Close to Leaving Warner Music

Nobel for 'Ozone Scientist'

More reasons to mothball the space shuttle:
Shuttle May Face Launch Delay

Muslims in Space!
Russian Rocket Launches First Malaysian Into Space
Malaysia Sets Flexible Religious Rules for Muslims in Space

Powerful New Telescope Sweeping Heavens For Signs of Life

Mmmm, so sexy:
Earth Getting Wetter and Stickier

Is Firefox coming to your cell phone?
Mozilla Working on New Mobile Browser

Sonic, Online Play Confirmed For Super Smash Bros Brawl

Just don't buy it if you don't want it:
Suit Accuses Apple, AT&T of Monopoly

Time to update, bitches!
IE, Outlook, Word Get Critical Bug Fixes

And finally-
We would have opted for Vanesa Hudgens based solely on the fact that we had more data to analyze. But this ain't a bad pick:
Theron Crowned Sexiest Woman by Esquire

There's plenty more News,
but there's no more News Jog.
We're done.