The Jog is trying to get worked up into an indignant frenzy about the news that Al Gore has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He's a foolish man promoting a crackpot theory not backed up by much real world evidence if you ask us. There's also the annoying fact that the Nobel committee seems enamored with American Democrats who have lost their most recent bids for the White House to Republicans who presumably hate the concept of peace- first former President Jimmy Carter and now former Vice-President Al Gore. Ronald Reagan's name was never even tossed into the hopper of potential nominees for the Peace Prize- and why should it have been? After all, his policies only facilitated the end of the cold war and the fall of the Berlin wall. But hey, how can the Jog really get worked up over an award that has become every bit as silly and meaningless as the Oscars or Grammys?
Former US Vice President Gore, UN Panel, Win Nobel Peace Prize
Will Nobel Mean Gore Will Run for President?
The Jog is on the road today- so here's a truncated rundown on other headlines of interest:
No Sex in 40 Million Years?
Marines Want to Cut and Afghanistan?
First WTC Bombing Mastermind Has Converted to...Christianity?
Those Wacky Christian Clowns and Their Child Pornography
Congressional Aides Warned to Avoid NASCAR 'Redneck Rash'
This War Brought To You by, The US Army Inc.
Jimmy Carter: 'My Hostages'
Carter Calls Cheney a 'Disaster'
Muslims Demand Peace With Christians...or Else
This Halloween, It's No Treats For Tricky Maryland Molesters.
Congress to Raise Taxes
Ann Coulter on CNBC Show: Jews Need 'Perfecting'
Even Tucker Carlson Mocks Coulter
And finally-
Our latest podcast is waiting patiently for you to click and enjoy:
NewsJog Weekly Podcast #4 (Recorded 10/11/07)
There's plenty more News,
but there's no more News Jog.
We're done.