Wednesday, October 17, 2007

News Jog 10/17/07

Stop asking the question- Of course Al Gore isn't going to run for president. He isn't stupid. With the presidency comes criticism and an expectation of performance. Gore is content with his role as the world's best friend, loved and admired by all for giving legitimacy through rank to a set of ideas that easily fall to argument when not espoused by a living saint. Ask Jimmy Carter if he's had more fun as President or the needler of presidents. The Mother Theresa business is a rewarding career for our 4-star moral generals. The stripes on their shoulders allow them to elbow their way into the geopolitical conversation but they're not willing to risk an ounce of their sainthood to affect change from within the system that lent them credibility to begin with. Because Carter and Gore are always on the outside looking in they are free to criticize and commiserate with the public on every perceived evil without ever being held responsible for the fallout of failed policy.
Check out the complete load of verbal manure that passes as an explanation for the connection between Gore's pet theory and world peace at the end of the first article linked below- and marvel at the rationale put forward by one meteorologist for why Gore's twisting of the facts is a good thing- at the end of the second article linked below.
Gore Says No Plans to Run for Presidency
Local Meteorologists Argue Over Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize
Gore's Noble Challenge

The only constituency left in favor of offending Turkey at this time is yet Nancy Pelosi is still set to bring the Armenian genocide language to the floor. We'll let you draw upon whatever puppet/puppet master analogies you might feel are appropriate:
U.S. Genocide Move Reopens Old Wounds in Turkey
Key Democrats Oppose Armenian Bill
US Works on Alternative to Turkey Supply Route to Iraq

Misfired Patriot Missile Hits Farm in Qatar

Here she comes to save the day:
Bhutto 'Will Return to Pakistan'

But Richard Gere is ecstatic!
U.S. Congressional Honor For Dalai Lama Enrages China

Children's 'issues' sometimes make adults act like children. The Jog double-dares the Dems to stop demagoguing:
Democrats Dare Republicans to Back Kids' Health

Yikes! But isn't there some good news here? Maybe less people are dying of AIDS- glass half full thinkin' ain't so bad, people:
CDC: Flesh-eating Super Bug Kills More Americans Than AIDS

Stanford Researchers Find Blood Test for Alzheimer's

Everyone who doesn't live in Boston knows Boston fans deserve this:
Wakefield Wilts: Boston 1 Loss from Elimination

Torre Watch:
Yankees Yet to Decide Joe Torre's Future

Mattingly's Out!
Report: Mattingly Tells Yanks He's Not Ready

Mattingly's Not Out!
Agent Denies Mattingly Report

In case you haven't noticed- we're reaching the end of the video rental age:
Movie Gallery files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Video Stores Getting Crushed by Web

Thanks Amazon! Competition still works:
Apple Lowers Price of DRM-Free Songs

Pardon our laughter but the story linked just below makes mention of Greenpeace scientists. Now that's hilarious:
Apple Could Face Lawsuit Over 'Toxic' iPhone Report
Will Apple Open the iPhone?
Apple's New Operating System on Sale Oct. 26

Google Testing YouTube Antipiracy System

NASA: Space Shuttle Discovery on Track for Launch

Two Men Get Five Years For Sending Pornographic Spam

Dinosaurs don't go down easy:
George Washington Univ. Students Next to Feel RIAA's Wrath

It's good to be rich:
Diddy Pals it Up with Alleged Punch Victim and May Avoid Rap

Foxy Brown's Lawyer Drops Out after Wife Threat

Goodnight sweet prince:
O.J. Heist Pals Strike Deals to Testify Against Him

Britney in the news:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Britney Spears Booked On Traffic Charges

And finally-
The latest on the most idiotic story of the week:

Ellen’s Tears Over Dog Rescue Error

Agency Receives Death Threats in Wake of Ellen Doggie Scandal

There's plenty more News,
but there's no more News Jog.
We're done.