Never doubt that we here at Jog Central have our priorities straight. We have no problem separating the important from the trivial and our news judgment will never be compromised in favor of flashy headlines and celebrity headlines. Well, except for this one time...
Britney Loses Kids
Losing Kids May Be Just What Britney Wanted
Britney Spears: Worst of the Mommy Dearests
Okay- so sue us.
Here's the hard news you elitist bastards:
The Jog finds it interesting that nearly every pundit in America is willing to assume the para-military employees of Blackwater Security just had to be in the wrong during the controversial shootout that took place on the streets of Baghdad a while back. The Jog assumes them innocent until proven guilty- though that's become a quaint notion these days. It's striking that the same types who call for lawyers to defend enemy combatants in Gitmo need no evidence to publicly condemn the brave people who protect our diplomats in Iraq. Maybe there is something to that 'blame America first' mentality after all.
Blackwater Plans a Fierce Defense
Blackwater Chief Refutes 'Negative and Baseless Allegations'
Soon we'll be all alone in Iraq:
New English PM Visits Iraq for Basra Talks
Another day, another suicide bombing:
Suicide Bomb Kills 12 Afghan Police on Bus
The Jog congratulates Beyonce for not acquiescing to Muslim demands that she cover up her gorgeous body while on stage. When will people realize that this is not about cultural differences. The idiots that are demanding Beyonce cover up are the same types that demanded that Elvis be shown on television from the waist up. It's just that these idiots wear turbans rather than suits and ties- that's the only difference. Cultural idiots exist in every culture.
Beyonce Dumps Malaysia Concert After Muslims Ban Cleavage
Wacki Paki update: Pakistan Opposition MPs Resign Over Musharraf Vote
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss:
Putin Suggests He Plans to Continue to Rule After Presidency Ends
The Grandmaster With a Mission: Kasparov's Big Match
The latest in Orange Revolution growing pains:
Rivals Claim Victory in Ukraine Poll
Austria Arrests 2nd Man After U.S. Embassy Incident
When will this end? It's an open and shut case- she died 'cos she was a moron. Now please everyone just shut up about it:
Diana Inquest Opens
One more reason to be glad you don't live in Sudan:
Rebel Attack Came at End of Ramadan Fast
U.N. Envoy Meets With Myanmar Leader
Don't you feel safer already?
Supreme Court Back in Session
The Jog would like to point out that as a general rule it isn't a good idea to prosecute people who are trying to help you:
Doctors Acquitted in Canada Tainted-Blood Trial
Obama is raising record-smashing amounts of money:
Obama Raises $20M in Third Quarter
But will it buy him any votes?
Obama, With Money On His Side, Still Seeks Traction
Okay, just because you asked- Here's the latest on Washington state's primary system:
Justices Skeptical of State's Primary System
e.Coli Update:
Meat Recalls Point to Possibility Threat is Growing
U.S. Beef Supply Safe, Official Says
Phoney-balony health scare of the day:
FDA: Kids' Medicines NOT Recommended
Phoney-baloney earth scare of the day:
Scientists See Dramatic Drop in Arctic Sea Ice
Elton is Pissed, Takes his Ball and Goes Home
Just because it's funny for 30 seconds doesn't mean it's gonna be funny for 30 minutes:
'Cavemen' is a Stone Stinker From the Geico
Radiohead wants you to pay whatever you think their new album is worth. The Jog is willing to toss in a few bucks so long as this album, unlike their others, doesn't sound like it was recorded while the band members were still in bed:
Name Your Price For Radiohead Album
The Boss is still charging full price:
Springsteen Still Has the Magic Touch
Bruce Springsteen Denounces Bush's America
Honeymoon over?
Trouble in iPhone Paradise
Apple Users Talking Class-Action Lawsuit Over iPhone Locking
EBay Takes a Blow on Skype
Zune 2.0 anyone? Hello... is this thing on?
Microsoft to Launch Zune 2.0 This Week
Yet another Microsoft launch doomed to failure:
Microsoft Office Heads to the Web
Five Reasons Google Docs Beats Office Live Workspace
Are you ready for Organic TV?
Sony Plans to Release OLED TV Display in December
Start standing in line now you silly sheep:
Nintendo Won't Meet Wii Holiday 2007 Demand
Will Guitar Heroes pay for 'Rock Band'?
'Rock Band' Price Tag Troublesome
And finally:
A few more reasons to hate the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame:
Rolling Stone Magazine Hits a Sour Note With Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Nominees
There's plenty more News,
but there's no more News Jog.
We're done.