Wednesday, October 3, 2007

News Jog 10/3/07

News Jog Thought Experiment:
Watch this video of Government Reform Committee Chairman Henry Waxman confronting Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater USA, and ask yourself one question. If you were on a sinking ship in a 'Poseidon Adventure' type of situation and Henry Waxman and Erik Prince both said they knew how to get to safety but their plans were diametrically opposed. Which one would you follow?

This guy's security firm has been protecting American diplomats in Iraq for five years and they haven't lost one to the murderous designs of the enemy. Although they have lost 35 of their own men protecting those diplomats. This firm has a perfect record and the thanks they get for it is an appearance before a kangaroo court set up by the Democrat party. It's shameful. When will our government stop doing the bidding of our enemies? The fact that rabble-rousers in Iraq want this security firm gone should be enough evidence that it's in our best interest that they stay. It's about time we start prosecuting an effective end to the war and stop persecuting the good men and women who voluntarily put themselves in harm's way to help us win.
Blackwater Chairman Defends His Company
Bush Meets Iraq's President
Britain to Pull More Troops Out of Iraq

The Jog actually agrees with the underlying argument for a war tax. Unfortunately the Dems have only floated this as a novelty with a proposed tax rate that is foolish. The Jog believes that a 5% war tax should be added to every item purchased in America. If you think that's asking too much go talk to a mother who has given the life of her child to the war effort. The Jog is anti-tax- but hot wars should be paid for outside of normal budgetary considerations and every citizen should be expected to contribute.
Democrats Propose to Raise Taxes to Cover War

Comedy- Iranian style:
Iranian University Invites Bush to Speak

The dangerous Paki soap opera continues:
Musharraf Names Army Chief
Pakistan to Grant Amnesty to Benazir Bhutto

Yet more evidence that Kim Jong-il is a crazed douche bag:
South Korean Leader to Watch N. Korean Propaganda Show
South Korean Leader Rejects Extra Day of Summit Talks

Please make it stop!
Diana Jury to Hear More Evidence

Nice try Obama but Hillary's pulling away:
Clinton Leads Obama in Fundraising, Quarterly Reports Show

None of this would be necessary if drugs were legal:
High Court Examines Judges' Power to be Lenient

He Said, She Said- Sixteen Years Later:
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Sets the Record Straight
Anita Hill says She Told Truth on Thomas Harassment

Did he mention 'Long Dong Silver'?
Jury Finds Isiah Thomas, MSG Guilty of Harassment

This is the Jog's favorite moment from the Isiah Thomas sexual harassment trial. Isiah contends that it's ok for a black man to call a black woman a bitch. But it's not ok when a white man does the same thing. Surprisingly, his defense didn't win the day:

Sexism in heart disease? Where does it end?
Studies Find Gender Gap in Use of Heart Device

Better think before downloading your next illegal MP3:
RIAA Rips Defendant in Nation's First Filesharing Jury Trial

Nasdaq to Buy Boston Stock Exchange

West Nile Update: Virus Kills First Idahoan in Valley

You can kill two people in cold blood but you can't keep the watch:
O.J. Simpson Ordered to Surrender Rolex

Halle Berry is finally pregnant. Now maybe she'll shut up about it... uh, guess not:
Halle Berry Speaks of Pregnancy Joy

Does anyone have a stranger life than Nicholas Cage?
Cage Confronts Naked Intruder in Home

The Jog isn't all that excited about Bruce Springsteen hitting the road to tell us all how we should vote. But some people are:
Springsteen Performs "Magic" in Concert Tour Open

That new show 'Pushing Daisies' is great!
'Daisies' Pushes Dramedy to Limits

That new show 'Pushing Daisies' sucks!
Forced Quirkiness Pushes New Drama 'Daisies' Over the Top

Oh no- what if we lose "Caveman'?
Hollywood Union Asks Writers to Authorize Strike

It's just sad- PBS lies to Nielsen about ratings:
Correction: Ratings for `The War'

Pervs on the internet update:
New Jersey Subpoenas Facebook Over Sex Offenders

Apple Sued for $1m Over $200 iPhone Discount
Hackers Reopen iPhone Hunting Season
Is Apple On the Wrong Path?

Microsoft looks to be on a glide path to divorce with the division that created the Halo trilogy. But don't worry the division that created the Zune is still safely in-house:
Report: Bungie Studios Departing From Microsoft

Free Nintendo Wii 'Jackets' Fight Sweaty Palms

eBay: What to Do with Skype?

The coolest thing in the universe today is:
Star "Jewel Box" Spotted by Hubble

And finally-
The latest dispatch from Britney's last days on earth:
Custody Loss May Be "Wake-Up Call" for Britney

There's plenty more News,
but there's no more News Jog.
We're done.