Friday, September 14, 2007

News Jog 9/14/07

It is on days like this the Jog becomes convinced of its unique place in the American debate. What other source of news and analysis ends up siding with George W. Bush and Kathy Griffin in the same news cycle? We dare say we're more consistent than any other outlet on the planet. We believe in Freedom! Freedom in Iraq, Freedom in America, Freedom in our bedrooms, Freedom to worship, Freedom to be an atheist, Freedom to speak your mind at the Emmys, Freedom for the Emmys to censor their own show- Freedom, Freedom, Freedom! But unlike most libertarian-minded institutions we believe in the need to fight and preserve that Freedom. We don't take it for granted and we always keep in mind that most of the people who have populated history haven't had it. That makes it precious and rare- and it should be guarded as such.

Now that we're clamoring down off our high horse- on with the News:

President Bush had the audacity to suggest that America can still win in Iraq during a prime time speech to the nation last night. The Jog suspects the President has lost the kind of credibility with the public on this issue that could ever move many back to his side of the debate. His narrow objective is to hold wavering Republican Senators long enough to allow Patraeus the time they both feel is needed to consolidate and replicate some of the successes their seeing on the ground as a result of the 'surge' implemented earlier this year. We here at Jog Central are convinced that Bush and Patraeus had a pretty good week and will succeed in that narrow objective. We do worry that the modest troop withdrawal recommended by the General and accepted by the President is more a bone tossed at the discontented than a pure military imperative- and we don't think it will actually mollify the anti-war crowd a bit- but it's refreshing to see him continue to keep his word with Iraq. Whether we should be there or not we've given them our word that we'll be there until they get on their feet- and a country's word should be every bit the bond that an honest person's word is... unbreakable. We know we are in the minority on that and we don't mind one bit. We know we're right. We have to be- we're the Jog for heaven's sake.
Video: Bush Speech (Full)
Text: Democrat Response

Much of the coverage of the murder, by Al-Qaeda, of a prominent Sunni Sheik who helped the U.S. military stabilize Al-Anbar Province, is slanted to suggest that Bush was serving up yet another Neo-Con pipe dream with his speech last night. The thinking is that if we can't even keep a Sheik who shook the President's hand only days ago alive- things must be spiraling back out of control. The Jog view is that prominent Sunni leaders are now dying for the same cause our troops are dying for. Sheik Abdul-Sattar Abu Risha originally turned against Al-Qaeda after his children were killed by them. I don't think this latest outrage is going to convince his clan to back off any. We expect they'll fight even harder now against the same people we're fighting against.

Meanwhile the Patraeus/Betray-Us ad flap continues with word that the New York Times gave the liberal activist organization a deep discount ($100,000) on their going rate for a typical full page ad- as well as prime placement in the paper along with the ability to be published on the same day the 4-star General was appearing before the House of Representatives. The Jog doesn't know if this is truth or rumor at this point- but we wouldn't be surprised to find out it's truth. Would you? Rudy Giuliani believes it true and he's demanding the same discount rate from the Times for a rebuttal ad he would like to run in the paper.

Meanwhile, Presidential candidate John Edwards makes the rather incredible claim that he's never seen the controversial Patraeus/Betray-Us ad. Can this man tell the truth about anything?

Breaking News as we go to press:
O.J. Simpson Questioned About Casino Break-In!

Some crime in Baghdad is just like the crime here:
Gunmen Seize Armored Truck Carrying Cash in Baghdad

Just when we thought we could play nice with N. Korea:
Is N. Korea Helping Syria Acquire Nukes?

Does anyone believe the U.N. can enforce anything it passes anyway?
UN Adopts Declaration on Rights for Indigenous Peoples Worldwide

For those who want to take a crack at following the intrigues of Putin's latest moves in Russia- be our guest: Room to Maneuver

Oil closed above $80 per barrel for the first time in history. So it must be more expensive than ever- right? Not really. When adjusted for inflation it isn't even close.

Aren't you glad you don't live in Indonesia?
Sumatra Rocked by Three More Quakes

Democrats running for the presidency participated in a bizarre online 'mash up' debate yesterday. A 'mash-up' means that younger viewers can pick and choose the parts of the answers they want to listen to and fast-forward through the stuff they consider boring. So if you're keeping a tally- and why wouldn't you be? This means the Dems have debated on CNN, MSNBC, YouTube, The Logo Network, Univision, and now an online forum that caters to kids suffering from attention deficit disorder- but they still refuse to debate on Fox News. Interesting...

The wildly popular ex-Governor of Virginia has announced his intention to run for the senate seat being vacated by Republican John Warner.

McCann Update: Police to Raid Madeleine McCann's Parents House

McCann Timeline: The McCann Case: A Primer

Kathy Griffin kicked up a firestorm and pissed off many with her rowdy contention that Jesus had absolutely nothing to do with her winning an Emmy during her acceptance speech last weekend. Here's the video for those of you who haven't had a chance to be offended yet. Let the Jog get something straight for all of our pious friends- of which we have many. You have no right to insist that anyone in this country tow your religious line. It is simply strange that people who believe the universe is run by invisible wizards feel they have a claim on the minds of others. It's fine if the producers of the Emmys on TV want to remove her comments from the broadcast in deference to the sensibilities of their audience- but she's a comedian (or is it comedienne?) and she wasn't engaging in Hate speech for Christ's sake! Oops, sorry. Enough already! Can the country just take a little break from constantly being outraged by this thing or that thing that was said by this person or that person? It's getting old! Jeez Louise! Oops, sorry.

Ah unions... they were so relevant in the 1800's:
UAW Sets GM as Possible Strike Target

They're finding lots of other people who crashed in the Nevada desert but they still haven't found that millionaire adventurer balloon guy.

Sometimes when you use a painkiller improperly it will kill you.

The latest in PatriotsGate:
NFL Fines Belichick and Patriots
Belicheat Got Off Too Easy
Dislike for Belichick Played Role
Coach Betrays Father’s Legacy
Super Genius Flunks

There's cheating in motor sports too:
McLaren Fined $100 Million in Formula One Spying Scandal!
Timeline- The McLaren Spying Controversy

Google will pay you to go to the moon.

Three magic words: Fish Sperm Transplant!

Are you looking for a review of the iPod Touch. Sure you are:
iPod Touch Is Best Media Player Ever

Study: More Plan to Buy Wii Than Xbox 360, PS3

Kanye/Fiddy Update: 50 Cent Changes His Tune, Won't Retire

Kid Rock/Tommy Lee Update:
Tommy Lee Apologizes for MTV Brawl
Kid Rock Responds
Tommy Lee Not Quitting Motley Crue After All?
Tommy Lee = Lame

Prince is suing YouTube and eBay.

So she just lied in court? Manager Says Foxy Brown Not Pregnant

The latest in BritneyGate:
Is Britney Spears' Career Really Over?
‘Idol’ Judges Have Career Advice for Britney
Britney Went Ballistic Over Hairdo
Sure She Sucked... but is Britney Really Fat?

The Goldman's appeared on Oprah yesterday to chat about the Blood Money they'll be receiving from the O.J. book.

And finally-
Mary Winkler explaining to Oprah how she accidentally killed her abusive preacher-husband:

There's plenty more News,
but there's no more News Jog.
We're done.