Another day, another terrorist plot foiled: Suspected Terrorists Arrested in Germany
Ah- September... the beginning of the end of baseball season. The beginning of the beginning of football season. And most importantly- It's Iraq Report season kids! Here come the flurry of summaries and communiques from this government agency or that, leading up to General Petraeus issuing his own report to congress in the middle of the month. Every dispatch will claim to be the definitive assessment of how well the 'surge' is or isn't doing- but the Jog suspects it'll all become a big squabbling mess like everything else surrounding the debate of this war. If your looking for letter grades the new report from the Government Accounting Office gives the effort a big, fat F. But stay tuned for wildly differing report cards in the coming weeks. For the Jog's part we'd be interested in hearing more ideas about how we can win. Rather than a catalogue of reasons as to why we have almost certainly lost. But that's us- we're funny like that.
This general says the next few months are crucial in Iraq. Haven't they all been crucial?
A few hearty politicos are seeking a bipartisan approach to the war. Not to be cynical- but good luck.
It's always good to hear about a nest of terrorists getting their asses handed to them. The Lebanese army kicked that ass and returned as heroes. Read deep into the story and you'll find hints of average, man on the street, Palestinians who are cheering on the good work of the Lebanese soldiers as well. The Jog has never believed that terrorists enjoy much real support from the people. But then again the Jog isn't a credentialled journalist. It isn't so easy to pull the wool over our eyes.
Here's a swell idea: Arabic School Opens in New York Amid Controversy
You can all relax. The federal budget now has a new chief.
The problem with being one of these guys who makes his living going on adventures is that sometimes you don't come back. 63 year old Steve Fossett is a rich dude who enjoys breaking aviation records in his spare time. He was the first guy to circumnavigate the world in a balloon- He was the first guy to fly a plane around the globe without refueling- and now he's missing after taking off on a routine flight and disappearing into the desert.
Senator Larry Craig is still not gay, just ask him. But he is still a Senator and some were surprised that he was a no-show when the senate reconvened yesterday. The Jog isn't surprised he didn't make the trip from Boise. After all, he did resign his seat didn't he? Or did he? Craig's children say they confronted him point-blank about the airport incident and came away believing his version of events. Which would be convincing if the next paragraph of the story didn't reveal that all three of his kids were adopted. Not that this story needs anymore red flags but, um... Red Flag.
This writer opines that the recent scandal surrounding the senator may upstage the rest of his 27 year career. Duh- you think so?
This writer defends Larry Craig just a bit and says he was really only guilty of being horny. While Christopher Hitchens over at endeavors to explain the allure of quick sex in public bathrooms.
Thankfully all of this sordid behavior by politicians will quickly become a thing of the past: Bush Expected to Sign Ethics Bill Soon
The Repubs are gonna have another one of those debates tonight where lots of average folk get to ask average questions that elicit no more from the candidates than the average questions usually asked by the professional media. TV president Fred Thompson says he is definitely going to run but can't be at tonight's debate due to a scheduled television appearance. Which begs the question- isn't the debate on TV too? The kicker here is that even though Thompson can't be bothered to stand next to his rivals and debate- he will be running his first campaign ad during the debate! Typical. The Jog is going to enjoy watching this arrogant candidacy quickly implode.
If you're a Republican or a Democrat who lives in Florida or Michigan- you're primary vote is being flushed down the toilet.
Dreams really do come true: Good Morning America Launches Third Hour!
Jerry Lewis is now apologizing for saying the gay F-word during an improvised, age-addled comedy rant in the 18th hour of his Labor Day Telethon over the weekend. The Jog has really had enough of the attitude adopted by the gay activists in this story. As usual they are demanding an audience with Jerry to explain to him how much his words can hurt and blah, blah, blah. Leave him alone! He's Jerry Lewis- and he's 81- and he just raised $64 million dollars to help kids in wheelchairs. The Jog hates activists- they're all the same. It's always about them and their needs. How about a tired old man who needs a pass? Have some dignity. If you want to bust performers for saying Fag during a comedy routine start with every drag show in America and slowly make your way to Jerry Lewis. Jeez...
Update 9:55a.- GLAAD Accepts Jerry's Mea Culpa
Hurricane Update: Felix Marks Record Year for Category 5 Hurricane Landfalls
West Nile Update: Virus Cases Soar on Prairies
Check it out fat people: Skinny Gene Could Become Weapon in Fight Against Obesity
Whoopi says she's not going to mimic Rosie's style on The View- but she did
defend Michael Vick during her first go-round as an official member of Barbara's Vagina Squad, so it might not get too boring. This writer likes the new View.
Cancel Christmas! Mattel recalls 800,000 toys worldwide
Look out kids- AT&T is trying to help your parents control your cell phone.
iPhone Mania Continues: Report: iPhone Outsold All Smartphones in July
Apple Mania Continues: IPod Expectations, iPhone Estimates Lift Apple's Stock
Now comes word that Microsoft may look to compete with the iPhone. Hello- does anyone remember the Zune? Just steer clear Mr. Gates.
But hey, what about the the Google phone?
Life Imitates Art? Explosion Outside Sopranos Star's Studio
Catwoman is preggers.
CBS is gearing up for the debut of Kid Nation- a show where children are left on their own to fend for themselves for a few weeks in a ghost town. The pre-debut publicity has been pretty bad for CBS with complaints from some parents about the way their kids were treated and an investigation by the state of New Mexico to see if any child labor laws were broken. But publicity is publicity, good or bad, and CBS anticipates high viewership once the thing gets on the air. The Jog suspects they're right but we also think the Tiffany network may have squeezed itself between a rock and a hard place. The reason for the outrage and investigations is that CBS was doing what networks always do- over hype their new shows. Because children were involved with the hype machine this time around they got in trouble for leading people to believe the set was way more dangerous than it actually was in an effort to scare up viewers. Now that they've been forced to admit there were a bevy of child psychologists and other amenities for the kids just out of camera shot they risk making the show seem too tame. Look for the execs to go back to emphasizing the danger once again as we creep closer to the premier.
Jude Law is not a fan of the paparazzi: Jude Law-Breaker? Actor Arrested for Alleged Attack
Apparently Brad Pitt was pretty shaken up by his recent encounter with an overzealous fan.
Nicole Kidman is coming clean about lost babies and broken marriage engagements in the past. Who asked?
Bo Diddley, Diddley... is out of the hospital, hospital... Bomp-A-Bomp-Bomp!
Senator Craig's no longer alone. Now Larry Birkhead, father of Anna Nicole's baby, is going on the record to say he isn't gay, and he didn't have sex with Howard Stern, Anna Nicole's lawyer/mentor. And he also says he'll sue the author of the book that says he is gay and did have sex with Stern.
R. Kelly was charged with soliciting sex with a minor and photographing the tryst some five years ago. Meanwhile his career has been flying high and it doesn't look like he'll be in a courtroom to defend himself anytime soon- Illinois Judge Delays R. Kelly's Kiddie Porn Trial Once More
And finally:
Billy Joel's Wife Rejected From P. Diddy's Party for Wearing Off-White
There's plenty more News,
but there's no more News Jog.
We're done.