The jog has noticed that these soap opera like tragedies that play out on 24 hour news almost always play by the same script. At first the company involved (airline, construction outfit, or mining operation) and the families of those killed or missing are on the same page. They hold hands and joint press conferences. They sing and pray and vow to do everything possible to make things right. Then the worm turns and the families blame the company. Such is the case in the mining tragedy that has riveted satellite trucks to Utah ground for the last couple of weeks. The families are angry that rescue efforts have been aborted in the wake of the deaths of three rescue workers a few days ago.
Perhaps it's our preoccupation with The Rat Pack that keeps us from believing that anything named Dean could be a destructive force. But Hurricane Dean ain't playing games. It's bearing down on the Cayman Islands and has forced NASA to bring home the astronauts early. Let's hope that gouge in the Shuttle belly is up to the rigors of reentry.
Karl Rove appeared on Meet The Press yesterday and the jog was surprised to witness an interview with a man it had never heard of. Where was the diabolical Wizard of Evil so lampooned in mainstream and underground media? We didn't agree with everything he had to say but he said it well and showed a command of facts surrounding issues that is exceedingly rare during these televised interrogations. The jog at one point thought to its self how interesting it is that Karl Rove's high intellect equals 'evil' in the current narrative, whereas Hillary Clinton's high intellect equals 'strong woman.' Not that anyone is interested in a true feel of the man in real time- but just in case you're the exception here's the video and here's the transcript. And here's Rove with a head full of hair and Dan Rather in 1972.
Somebody wake up Rosie and her conspiracy-minded weirdo friends. There was another 'strange' fire at Ground Zero. Just as an aside- Rosie and the weirdos are always saying that steel doesn't melt while going off on how Bush had something to do with the leveling of those buildings. But the Jog sincerely wonders- isn't steel forged in fire? Just a question.
The Jog has some advice if you're a celebrated illegal immigrant flaunting the law by making public statements of defiance while taking sanctuary in a Chicago church. Stay put. If you leave sanctuary to go to an immigration rally in Los Angeles you just might get busted and deported.
Is this even news anymore? Another Assassination in Iraq!
Is this even news anymore? Democrats Hold Another Debate! Just in case it is- here's the transcript.
The jog just loves protesters. They are all the same. It doesn't matter what they're protesting. They're all the same. Angry, uninformed, and sure that the world will end if they don't act up. Read this article and be amazed at the number of different entities being protested against by these global warming zealots in England. Everything from nuclear energy to carbon offsets. This group won't be happy until we're all riding bikes. Well, good luck to them. You never know- maybe they'll get what they want.
Pop starlet Lilly Allen doesn't like George W. Bush and suddenly she can't get a visa to enter the country to perform at the MTV Music Awards. Coincidence? Where's Rosie when you need her?
As if new moms don't have enough to worry about- now comes a warning that they may be delivering morphine overdoses with their boobs. Notice the term 'rare' actually means 'one' in this story.
The Jog thinks it appropriate that we get 'em hooked while breast-feeding. Start 'em young. We're all on painkillers now.
Superbad was your box office winner this past weekend.
Have you heard? High School Musical 2 was/is the biggest thing in television history. Or something like that.
A 21 year old guy in Australia recorded The Simpsons movie with his cell phone at a local cinema and promptly uploaded it to a file sharing site. A worldwide law enforcement effort culminated in his arrest over the weekend and he could face up to five years in jail for his heinous crime. Meanwhile, over 3,000 downloads of the film have already been made and word is that it only sucks a little bit more in the medium of cell phone than it did on the big screen.
Boston performed in Boston in honor of the now dead-from-suicide-ex-lead-singer of Boston.
And finally:
The latest dispatch from Britney's final days on earth.
There's plenty more News,
but no more News Jog.
We're done.