The Jog was surprised to find very little in the news cycle about the sixth year anniversary of the attacks of 9/11. The Jog has never been impressed with anniversary stories and, in general, doesn't feel that it's all that newsworthy that the earth has circumnavigated the sun six times since 19 hijackers changed the world. But it is surprising that it hasn't garnered much coverage from the wider press. The important question for the Jog on a day like this is whether the American people are still in the game. Are they still willing to fight off the forces that terrorized us so brutally six years ago today. The Jog likes to think it has an optimistic disposition but we believe America is losing its will to fight. Sure, if another big attack were to happen we would respond as we always do in the midst of such trying circumstances. But therein lies the danger. Are we going to allow ourselves to become a country that only reacts after an attack, or will we stay on a preemptive war footing in order to avert future attacks? If we stay aggressive we risk alienation on the world stage. If we retreat into a defensive posture our future may well be littered with smaller but more consistent attacks. There are no easy choices but the Jog prefers an America that accepts the consequences of staying on the offense. Better a bull in a china shop than a lamb led to slaughter.
It looks like bin Laden may have dropped another tape to commemorate the events of 9/11 from his twisted point of view. This video is really an audio tape playing beneath a video still of bin Laden with his new dye job taken from last week's video.
General David Patraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker appeared before congress yesterday to give their respective reports on the current state of affairs in Iraq. The two said many things but the press seized upon the General's statement that he might be recommending some troops withdraw soon. Things got lively even before the testimony began when the anti-war activist group published an ad in The New York Times referring to General Patraeus as General Betray-Us. This got the Republicans up on a high horse and had some of the Democrats scrambling to distance themselves from the ad- while vouching for the General's overall integrity. Patraeus gave an overview of the situation in Iraq as he saw it after first insisting that he alone authored the report with no interference from the White House. His conclusion was the same as that given by Amb. Crocker- Basically, things aren't going as well as we'd like, but they're going better than they were... and things could get a lot worse if we leave precipitously.
The Jog is quite sure General Patraeus was ready for some tough questions from skeptical members of congress. But was he really prepared to be taken to task by Count Dracula?
Dracula Confronts Gen. Patraeus!
Meanwhile- back at the War on Terror:
24 Years for Hayat in Terror Case
Pervez Musharaff is playing a dangerous game in Pakistan. On one hand- the democratic leader he just exiled for the second time is corrupt. On the other hand- the Chief Justice of Pakistan's Supreme Court did rule that Nawaz Sharif was to be allowed back in the country. On the third hand- the Chief Justice referred to is possibly nothing more than a corrupt crony for the exiled leader he's trying to let back into the country. Anyway you look at it- it's a mess. A very dangerous mess.
There are still mobsters in Chicago? Yes- and 5 scary muthas are going to jail. There is always entertaining testimony to be found in a mob trial- here are the highlights from this one.
Senator 'I've never even once had a gay thought- so shut up' Craig's lawyers filed a motion to rescind his guilty plea yesterday. The Jog isn't a lawyer and the Jog doesn't know whether this request stands a chance in hell of being successful- but the Jog does wonder if it helps the Senator's public image to be standing right next to the lawyer who most recently was standing right next to Michael Vick? Then again, is it even possible to hurt Craig's image at this point?
Republican Senator Chuck Hagel who once seemed as if he were poised to run for president- now says he won't even be running for the Senate.
Ronald Reagan's first wife, better known for her role on TV's Falcon Crest, is dead.
Surprise, surprise: Rosie blasts Donald Trump in her new book of memoirs. According to those who have seen galleys the Rosie tome is rambling and boring- and reveals an author who is deeply disturbed. This doesn't surprise the Jog or anyone else who has taken the time to read her blog.
Surprise, surprise: Trump blasts Rosie in new book of memoirs.
Sometimes trucks full of dynamite blow up!
According to his doctor Buffalo Bill's tight end Kevin Everett will most likely never walk again.
Keep taking that Vitamin D! They say it will add one or two years to your life. The question is- do you really want those two years? You get 'em at the end when life ain't what it used to be. Just a thought.
Do microchips cause cancer?
Apparently we're having more adverse reactions to the drugs we're taking than we used to.
Don't take that iPhone on out of the country! Hewlett Harbor Man Racks Up $4,800 iPhone Bill
In Other iNews:
iPhone Unlock Software Goes on Sale
Vodafone Takes On the iPhone
PC World: Random iPod thoughts
Skype is a neat internet phone service that is weathering some tough times. A few weeks ago they were forced to admit a two-day service outage was completely their fault and now there's a worm burrowing its way through their instant messenger.
Concerned parents and all of the groups, religious and otherwise, who represent concerned parent don't like violent, gory video games. But according to the latest data everyone else loves 'em.
Calling all Nerds! Nintendo Confirms Zelda Pack-In For Wii Zapper
Those Mars rovers that were expected to be dead by now have shaken off another months-long planetary dust storm and are ready to go back to work.
The Jog loves stories about rocket planes: ROCKETPLANE FACES FUNDING CRISIS!
First Britney- now the gray whale's comeback is being questioned.
Have you ever wondered who is more dominant in his own sport- Roger Federer or Tiger Woods? We haven't, but apparently some people do.
Things don't look good for Phil Spector. Not only is his fate in the hands of 12 jurors, his wife got into a spat with the judge in the courtroom. He has a wife? Where did she come from?
That pretty girl from High School Musical with the internet nudies flying around is getting support from fans and Disney- and the Jog after we saw the pic. But will it have any lasting negative effect on the HSM franchise?
Calling all Nerds II! Shia LaBeouf Leaks 'Indiana Jones' Fourth Title at VMAs
Sherri Shepherd made her debut on The View yesterday. Are you excited? We thought so.
The Letterman appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show didn't exactly wow 'em. Whoever 'em' is.
Larry Birkhead just threw a big, expensive birthday party for a girl who had no idea what was going on. Danielynn, cursed child of Anna Nicole Smith, recently turned one. The Jog doesn't have any particular problem with this girl but we just think it's stupid for anyone to spend more than $20 on a birthday party for a one year old. They barely know they're on the planet for Christ's sake- They're not going to appreciate the lawn ornamentation. It's just silly.
Sean Penn turns gay: Penn, Damon Got Milk
Surprise, surprise- Kanye West is angry: West Blasts Decision to Allow Britney to Open VMAs
Britney Bashing is Fun!
Will Britney's Bomb Kill Her Comeback?
Britney's Comeback is Just Toxic Say Critics
Oh, Britney. Honey. No.
If you're not quite tired of it yet. Here's another round up of backstage events at the VMA's: Foo Fighters Rock the Beer Bongs, Plus the Story Behind the Kid Rock/Tommy Lee Fight
And finally:
Kid Rock may be a dick but the Jog found him strangely appealing in this belligerent interview with Entertainment Weekly: Kid Rock: Anger Management
There's plenty more news,
but there is no more News Jog.
We're done.